Saturday, August 19, 2023

Zat skeer you?

 Car of the day:

(Please do not use the cell phone and drive! It scares us other folks!)

So for today:

In the south that means: Does that scare you? When Matt was a cute kid one of his statements I remember was, ;Kere me! Was : Scares me! When surprised or blinded sided as a kid.

I just did something that I was afraid to do all my life, “I touched my eyeball.”  I was always afraid it was too delicate of something, I just did it to see if it still bothered me. It didn’t.

When a friend was telling me about having to get an injection in his eyeball by a physician, it made my skin crawl, eewe.

I have often told friends and loved one when they were facing a tough situation, “Pray about it and leave it in HIS hands.!”  As I said in a past blog, that is “Easier, easier said than done!”

Due to the pressing problem on our minds, I have “ALREADY” did that very thing myself, HOWEVER,,, I take it back so I can worry over it some more, I tell myself you are a ‘glutton for punishment!!’

My  best time IS: Sherry & I here in the RV, in the mornings after breakfast is the one on one talks.  I just told my girl this morning, That is it, I am thru being worried about what if’s. It is a proven fact that 90% of the things we ‘WORRY’ about never happen, HE takes care of it..

Now honestly, right now I believe that and am at peace.  Imma try not to be ‘SKEERED’ and start worrying again.

Does anything actually scare you?

There I said it,  pray , cause it is proven, I am very hard headed.

Love you guys that read this stuff. WE appreciate all the prayers that have gone up for us in this tough time.

Nite Shipslog




salemslot9 said...
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Victor S E Moubarak said...

When a crisis comes into our lives, our first instinct is to panic, to fear and to be scared. This is a natural reaction. An emotion programmed in us by God our Creator. Being scared is sometimes good for us. It makes us think and not take unnecessary risks.

Once we've settled down a bit, we turn to God and ask for His help. He is there at hand, ready to listen, and to forgive our earlier panic. Also He forgives when we worry again and again. He understands.

We should try, as best we can, to put our trust in Him. He is in control. He allowed this crisis to happen so that His will be done. Some good will come out of it, either for us or for someone else involved in this situation. We should trust Him. Through gritted teeth even. And when worry comes, we trust Him once more.

God bless you, Jack and Sherry. Praying for you and yours.

Mevely317 said...

Being a long-time 'control freak', I understand how you're feeling ... the urge to take 'it' back and DO something. ANYthing but sit and wait for events to unfold.
I'm going to amend my prayer to include peace-of-mind for you and Sherry.

He's got this!

yaya said...

I guess I'm mostly afraid of making a wrong choice or decision when it comes to redoing things around the house. However, I try not to let it keep me up at night. Stuff is so expensive these days and we try to be careful about what we're spending. I pray daily for my family and friends too! I also pray for Jack and myself. I have to let Jesus take the wheel and have faith it will all be OK in the end.

salemslot9 said...

Sorry Jack
For my (maybe) too serious comment
I deleted
I should’ve just said spiders
Lol 🕷

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I say why worry when you can pray about it! God knows what he is doing and has it all planned out for us! What will be will be no matter what !