Thursday, August 31, 2023


 Sherry read the blog and gave me a wave bye! She doesn't like to fly!   But it ain't cover yet. 

Oh, she reminded me we are older today.  It was our oldest son's birthday, he is 65 today.  I never expected to live  to be 65, much less a son who is now eligible for Medicare.  OUCH! 

We laughed a lot today, Jack Jr's son stopped by and brought him a BD cake, Chocolate of course along with ice cream.

Every time this comes up I tell about taking Sherry to the USAF Hospital in Biloxi MS.  The Dr.s took her by the arm and started thru some swing doors that said STAFF ONLY.  I asked quickly, "What do I do?"

The smarta-- said, "Go home, we don't need you, someone will call."

Before that night, everyone I knew at work and church was tired of me telling them Sherry was going to have a boy. I was so sure I put his name in the Bible with the Birth Month (August)  1958.

I told everyone at the church "It cannot be wrong, it is in the Bible."

But Imma gonna tell you I was sweating at about 9PM, Only 3 more hours in this month and I will have put the wrong month in the Bible.!

I actually got a phone call, "Airman Darnell, you have a sweet baby daughter, 7 lbs 6 oz." I said thank you and hung up!   I received another call in a few minutes.

"Jack, this is Joanne (?) that was a terrible joke, I am not at the hospital, As far as I know Sherry has not had the baby, girl or boy!  I'm sorry about the joke."

the joke upset me, but I was RELEIVED.....  But still looking at the clock...

An hour of so later I received  call that Sherry had given birth to a healthy son and they were doing well. And it was before mid night!  God does forgive ignorance.. ......  But you might have to sweat a time or two!!

It was Many, many years later at a reunion of the folks from that church and the pastor's wife, one of the sweetest ladies you would ever meet stood before the group and admitted that it was she who instigated that phone call about the baby girl. We still loved Sister Matthews to pieces....

Nite Shipslog



Mevely317 said...

I remember that prank! (Too funny!)
Happy Birthday blessings to your not-so little boy, and wishes for a very happy 'New Year'!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are blessed to have a son to celebrate with! Happy Birthday to your boy. My DD turned 50 this year and that made me feel very old. How can the years possibly go by so fast. I cannot fathom her at the age of 65. That was a terrible joke to play on someone, about having a daughter, not a son. When our daughter was born, my DDH was very happy, He wanted a daughter to spoil. Thank the Lord I had just the one. She and her dad were very close.

Susie said...

Yikes, what a mean joke. LOL. When I had my twins, their father (my husband) called his best friend and told him. His friend made his wife call the hospital to see if it really was twins...before the privacy rules, I guess. LOL Jack I can still hear my mother saying, "how did you kids get to be so old and I am still young?" Cause time just keeps moving. Happy birthday to your son. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

Sheila Y said...

Happy Birthday to Jack Jr.! Sending love from down here. Sheila

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Happy Birthday to Jack Jr.

God bless you all always my friends.

salemslot9 said...

🎶happy birthday🎶

NanaDiana said...

Happy Birthday to your boy and that story is hysterical! I love it and gotta love a preacher's wife like that! Hugs- Diana