Thursday, August 10, 2023

Headed South thinking of names.....

 Thanks for the sweet and neat comments on the last post.  Life has slowed down here considerably and this is Thursday night.  In the morning we will be on the road, driving the car only this time.  I am not a fan of packing a suitcase, I seem to always forget something.

Names,  Are there any names that stick in your mind over your life time.  When I learned that my name 'Jackie' was the female spelling (true or not I did not know but believed it), I was ashamed of my name and was glad when I was mostly called Jack. ;-O   

When we moved to Belmont I met a man named 'Jinx.'  He and his wife Minnie were wonderful folk. They had a daughter 'Joan' in the family, about mine and Sherry's age.  I could not believe it when Joan gave birth to twin girls and named them "Tricksy and Tracey".  Only Joan would name a daughter TRICKSY!

Sadly Tricksy passed away this week in her sleep and we stayed for the funeral.

Tricksy was a 'take charge person' the minister mentioned that very thing in his eulogy.  She kept Sherry & Joan in contact.

What is the most different name you can remember?

See you more often (I hope) and am hoping that soon things will be more normal in our lives.

Nite Shipslog

PS: In 1956, My first traffic ticket came from Officer Burris of the NCHP.  I tried to out run him and he quickly caught me in front of the home of Jinx.  Who immediately called my dad.  I always thought I was Jinxed.  LOL


Lisa said...

I think my dads middle name is weird. His sisters calls him by it “Aldridge”.
There are a lot of “Jimmys” in my family. Grandpa, 2 uncles, 1 uncle in law. I even have a cousin that named her daughter James.

Tired in gtown

yaya said...

We have lots of "Jacks" in our Father-in-law, hubby, and our first kiddo that I call Jackie...I'm the only one who does, he's Jack to everyone else. My Mother-in-law always called my hubby, JB. I see lots of weird names in my hospital work. I'll always remember Harless George that I helped deliver via C-section and one of the kiddos in the neighborhood named "Pepper". These days if kids can change their gender I'm sure changing their weird names will be a breeze! Take care and drive safe you two crazy kids!

salemslot9 said...

My wonderful locker partner & friend
7th, 8th & 9th grades
“Lizette” 📚

Unknown said...

I love the name Jack, that is one of my favorite male names. When I was growing up in the 70's we lived next door to twin girls names Tonya and Tanya. I always thought those names were too similar. Sorry about Tricksy's passing. Hope all is well with you and Sherry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry to hear of your friends' passing. Amazing that over time you've never forgotten her. Some people and their names do stand out. I'll always remember my Grandmother's name was Lu Lu, now I also have a granddaughter nicknamed Lu Lu. Makes me remember my grandmother. Hope you enjoy a safe and happy trip!

Mevely317 said...

Aw, that's sad about Tricksy's unexpected passing. I'm wondering if they didn't mean to call her "Trixie" (like the book) but whoever fills out birth certificates misunderstood.

I didn't have to think very far outside my own family. Much to my father's dismay, people were always messing up his given name -- spelling it 'Adolph' (v. Adolf) and 'Miller' (v. Willer). I don't think they did it intentionally, but they're 'listeners' weren't working. Boy, did that make him cross!

Susie said...

Jack, So funny about your first ticket. Packing is nuts...once I was taking a cruise and my bag weighed a pound over, they want to charge me. I said I will throw something out 1st, or put something on...they waivered the fee. LOL Stay safe and hold your lady tight. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Please accept our sincerest condolences and prayers for you all.

God bless.

Sheila Y said...

To hear my great grandmother’s name ( my dad’s dad’s mother) it sounds like Moxie. But in searching census records I found it spelled Molsey and Molcie plus a couple other ways. I may get a copy of her death certificate at some point and see how it’s spelled on it. Sorry about your friends passing. Take care, Sheila