Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I do hope

 Auto of the day:

Gas was cheap and service was always with a smile...

So, For today:
I do have some hope that this down side will pass.  Sherry and I were talking about the past.  I was lucky that dad became pastor of the church where Sherry was a member. I also attended the same school but a year behind her. She was older, but I caught her....

We dated listening to the songs on the radio of  Dean Martin, Tony Bennett,  and I am drawing a blank of names. I know we enjoyed many.

The songs of today make no sense to me, they are more  noise than music, methinks.  I liked the 50s when songs made sense:
"Awap bob a loubob a whap bam boom, tuti fruiti and  a good one that was just brought up today here at our house:  Bing bang, wally wally bing bang, Bink bang wally wally bing bang!!!

Okay all of them were not Deano's "Memories are Made of This".  LOL.

I am keeping busy, I spread 5 gallons of paint on concrete block today, in the basement of the apartment, condo, what ever it is that we own next door.  As I painted I reminded myself how much personal satisfaction I had when a Gen Contractor. This  duplex (which is actually by definition Condos) which is one of the many we built. 
I remember Willie and his crew as they laid these hundreds of block. We had some good honest sub contractors.  Willie has passed now and he was younger than I.

Oh yes, I did get the blood drawn today. It is off to the lab and I will see my Doctor next week. The nurse drawing the blood did a great job. I am amazed how they find that vein on the first insert.
I am smiling, if I remember right,  Lisa (Life Away from the Office Chair), over in Gtown went to school to be a 'Phlebotomist.' 
  Anyway they amaze me hitting that vein.

Thanks for the comments and the time you take to visit.  I hope one day I look back and laugh at myself. 

Nite shipslog


Lisa said...

Awe you remember! You are correct, I had a phlebotomy certificate but I let it expire after I could not find work. Everyone wanted me to have a year experience and no one wanted to test me out. I was a good sticker in class. We are trained to feel that vein rather than see it. I can alway take a short refresher class and renew the certificate if I ever need to.

I think your blood work will be just fine. You’ll see.
Don’t worry

Mevely317 said...

Good to hear from you, Jack and Sherry!
Oh ya, I remember those days of inexpensive gas -- and friendly service. I can still hear my boss scoffing, "Gas will never hit a dollar." (Ha!) One of these days when I'm feeling flush I told Tom, I'm going to visit the one remaining full-service (Chevron) station and revisit memories.

Now, you've got me wanting to ask Alexa to play some Dean Martin ... Tony, Perry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Itt seems you never stop doing work no matter how you feel. I can't help but think how lucky you are to be able to do all you do! You are a very blessed man! Count your blessings and give thanks! It always makes me feel better !

yaya said...

Yesterday at work we were talking about the states where you're not allowed to pump your own gas. Oregon has changed that law but I believe New Jersey is one that won't let you self serve. I remember when someone would pump the gas, clean the windshield, and check the oil. Now that someone is me! Ha! I also remember taking a trip to Florida with 3 girlfriends and my brand new 1972 Chevy Malibu and paying .25cents for gas! With 3 of us single teen girls I think we spent about $50 for that trip including the hotels! Good times! I hope all that blood work comes out AOK and maybe you just need some extra nutrition. You do work hard at your young age! I'm repainting the living room and not exactly loving it! Have a good day Jack and Sherry and how exciting to be married 67yrs..to the same gal! Tomorrow is our 49th Anniversary. I always kid that I never dated anyone that long!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra ... and don't forget Doris Day Que sera sera.

Let's share 50s and 60s music.

God bless.