Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Pastor Wayne Carter

  Car of the day:

Pastor Carter had a love for RV's and drove a pickup, you gotta love that guy!

He had been a race car driver before he was a preacher, good back ground.... ;-)


So for today:

Once on my blog I mentioned getting in the shower and forgetting my washcloth. I found Sherry’s funny looking flower/meshy thingy and tried to use that..

The pastor commented, “Brother jack, get Sherry in the shower with you and when she shows you how to use it you will KNOW how to appreciate it.”

A little background. Moving into new areas it is hard to find ‘that fit’ for you in a pastor and church. We moved to Tavares Florida and started looking for a church. We attended several. We visited “Praise Cathedral” in Eustis. We felt good there and as we were leaving the ‘greeter’ said, “Good to have you, come back!”

“We are new in the area, just looking for a home church,” I said.

Smiling big he said, “Then you will be back.” He was right.

WE enjoyed a few years history with Wayne, Juanita and their wonderful family. Wayne lost his sweet Juanita, and for a period he seemed lost of course.

A long time later he called and told Sherry, “I have some Joy in my life!”

To make this shorter, he had reunited with a friend, and married Joyce.  They are a great match.  Her deceased husband was also a pastor, so they were both familiar with the lifestyle of Pastor and wife.

I remember telling Bro Wayne, "It is nice to have a pastor older than me." (by a couple years!)

Wayne had some bad news lately. Health-wise, he isn’t doing well. Visitors are tough for folks who aren’t feeling well so we tried to make a short video and send it.

I tried to tell him how much he had meant to us, and remembered a sermon (how many do you remember?). The sermon was entitled, “You cannot be Right with God and wrong with man!”

At the time I had some hard feelings existing with a nephew and a former DIL. His sermon hit a nerve. Amazing how he explained what ‘hard feelings’ infest and grow in our lives. I went home and wrote two letters from my heart. It worked.

I now see a situation in my own family. Hard feelings between a Grandson and Granddaughter.  We are praying that they will have the strength to work it out before it festers and their children take on the same attitudes.

I have a lot to thank Wayne Carter for, but most of all I must thank him for being a friend.

If you pray, ask the Lord to look in on Wayne, he and Joyce are truly two of the ‘Good Guys’ in this world.

Nite Shipslog




Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for all the people you mention in this post. God knows them all. He knows their needs, fears and worries; and He will respond in His own way and in His time that is right for them. Let us just trust Him.

God bless.

Lisa said...

Just said a little prayer for Wayne. Church is always better when you enjoy the pastor and his teachings. I have been going to the same church for 54 years now and seen many pastors come and go. Only about three of them stay in my heart.

Sandy Toes

Anonymous said...

Prayers for your friend and pastor🙏

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a good friend he was to your. I will be praying for him . Hope he is around many more years!

Mevely317 said...

I totally 'get' finding a church that fits just right! Crazy, but we might never have visited our current church if it wasn't for spotting their sign outside: "Sean of the South" would be speaking there on such-and-such a date. I immediately called, but tickets were already sold out. They invited us to visit the next Sunday ... and the rest is history!

Lifting prayers for Wayne right now.