Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Radio programs and my Robot

  Car of the Day

 Ahhh the '50s Studebaker.  Caught a lot of heat with comments.  Actually it was a well built car.  Sure got attention.


So for today (WRitten awhile back just ran across this, I hope I haven't published it before.):

I was fortunate as a kid, I had my own radio.  I listened to the evening radio programs.  The earliest was at 5 pm. That was the Lone Ranger a 3o minute program Mon, Wed & Fri. The rest started about 7-8PM.

I took my radio apart many times to see how it worked. Of course I had no idea of what the parts did, except the tuner, I could see it’s actions as I moved it with my finger.

I migrated in my thinking to entertaining kids at church as I grew up. The light effected relays got my interest. For years remote doors at stores used a light beam to control the door. When you walked thru the beam it actuated a relay that started a motor to open the door. Closing was automatic.

I was asked to speak at a Week long youth camp.  I had built a talking robot.  It’s speech was a prerecorded conversation. I would speak then casually move out of the light beam and it would answer or continue the conversation. I needed someone to use as my robot’s voice and a friend, Paul Collins, volunteered.

Wouldn’t you know that in the first class, the first conversation, one of Paul’s kids was in the class and called out, “My dad is in that Robot!”

Best laid plans of mice and men. LOL

But I still remember those radio programs. Radio forces you to use your imagination. I could close my eyes and imagine how the characters looked.

There was:

Gunsmoke  Marshal Matt Dillon, played by William Conrad on radio came on Sunday nights at 10PM for 30 miniutes.

(Note: Conrad had the voice but not the physical appearance of Marshal Dillon.)

The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

Father Knows Best

Amos 'n' Andy

The Beulah Show

Gang Busters  (True police stories)

FBI in peace and War

Fibber McGee and Molly

Most of these were 30 minute programs once a week.

The robot mentioned early started an entertaining teaching kids ministry. I added magic, chalk drawings, ventriloquism. Sherry did programs from Cuba to Canada. We learned a lot and had a lot of great experiences.

Cutting back here in NC headed back to Florida for family support.


Nite Shipslog

Remember any radio programs?


Susan Kane said...

Mom loved to listen Arthur Godfrey radio show. We worked in the kitchen, listening to him and other radio programs. thanks for reminding me.

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't listen on the radio at all - but I sure watched those shows on tv!

Mevely317 said...

No, I don't remember you posting this before. As oftentimes happens, I find myself wishing I'd been born a decade earlier -- so to enjoy some of the things you (and others) mention.

The only radio programs I listened to were d.j. 'hits' and included "be the xxx caller to try and identify the secret sound. (lol)
It's not the same, but I am really enjoying listening to 'stories' (Audible books) via my bluetooth ear buds.

Prayers for travel mercies as y'all head south!

Susie said...

Jack, I love this post..my dad is the robot...cracked me up. I have written about my parents bedroom radio....touching the station knob was a big no no, cause my folks listened to country music. Being young we did not like it much...but today I hear country songs that take me back to the house on the corner. They squeeze my heart with longing for one more day there. Blessings to you and Sherry, xoxo,Susie

salemslot9 said...

I remember my Mom mentioning
“The Shadow “.