Tuesday, August 15, 2023


We could use one of these about lnow!
For now:
Another delay,  The longest in court wait so far and still no settlement or decision.  


In the mean time we digging a clogged septic tank,  At least it is something productive. BUTT a stinking jpob!  LOL

Take care, maybe more tomorrow.  Stay cool,

My sister Shirl was known for her line, "Live is just a bowl of cherries, BUT you have a pit every once in awhile.  So I guess I am spitting pits.  ;-)

Nite Shipslog


Mevely317 said...

These are too funny!
... not so your long wait for nothing. That has to be incredibly wearying for all. Stay praying!

Susan Kane said...

These were great! I need to send you some addresses to place you would like: Butts Pharmacy and Uranus Fudge (from Uranus, MO).

Susie said...

Jack, Hoping you get some good luck soon. One of my best pals from work told me this tale. A man came to clean out the septic at his place. The man put the slurping device into the septic, then goes to his truck and comes back eating a sandwich. OMG. My friend said to him, " evidently you do not get a paid lunch " I would have to do without lunch. Can't even imagine. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Always be kind to other people; you never know what they are carrying inside.

God bless.

yaya said...

I love the funny names the septic tank folks come up with. I should find a name for what I do at work...I work in the endoscopy unit and colonoscopies are sort of like cleaning out a septic tank! Praying for you for a good outcome with the courts. Hugs Jack and Sherry!