Sunday, January 19, 2025

People, good, bad, even stupid

 Reminders of what has been or could be:

For today:

WE are all human.  Have you ever wondered about aliens from other places in the far extents of space? If there are some there, I hope the good, smart ones are the first that come to see us!

I remember Mr. Brittian from the South Mountains near Valdese NC. And Mr. Garland Page, also from there. If one lived a sinless life, I believe they did; they were honest special men. I never heard ANYTHING except good from, OR ABOUT them. You had a good feeling around them. Sorta like I did sitting on Grandmas lap. ;-)  I also felt the same about two ladies, my mama and mother in law Susie!

When I retired from the USN, I took a job at the Raddisson Plaza uptown Charlotte, NC. The Agent said after looking over my application, “Mr. Darnell the Raddisson will give you a 30 day trial period. just remember this is a trial period!”

My response, “I certainly appreciate that, just so you understand, this 30 days will also decide if I want to stick around also.”

My first night with my young boss and his introductory ‘walk-thru’ told me, 'I will be here for 30 days only." I have said I can work for anyone, but I learned it is impossible to work for an idiot! There were several examples, but ONE BIG one: down in the basement he pointed out a huge red wheel a ‘shut-off’ valve.

He said, “If and when you hear an alarm or fire announcement over the speaker system, immediately get down here and shut this valve off.”

“Off?” I asked thinking I had heard wrong,  because he had just said this shuts off all the water in the hotel.

“YES OFF. All these announcements have been false alarms, and we have ruined a lot of carpet and bedding from the sprinklers!”

As my reasoning, came into view, I shook my head. Just 4 weeks prior a hotel fire in Texas had taken over 20 lives.  I bet that ruined some carpet and bedding.

I also knew a man who built in my area, I thought he was a General Contractor. We ran into each other often at county offices and supply houses.. He even built a small subdivision naming it after the city planner.

(AS my mama said, “Be sure your sins will find you out!”)

He was a smooth talker, but when the truth became known, He had used other contractors License #’s when applying for building permits. He was never a Licensed General contractor. He was caught and spent some time in prison.

The guys I talked about above are NOT ME! However, this next guy could be me!

I still feel a little dizzy crazy or light headed.  It is hard to explain, maybe you know exactly what I am saying. ;-)

BYE! Maybe I have milked this pity  party for all it has, time to step up and be counted again. I;m trying to fix B chic for dinner.


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for reading this stuff. I especially like the comments of course, so THANKS for taking the time!. 

;-), Y'all try to be good!


Friday, January 17, 2025



A picture from the Past.

Some place called the Steele Horse Plaza near Blackhawk in South Dakota
Probably close to Sturgis, this trip both our sons were with us. they did most of the driving around the USA that time.

For Today:

I appreciate all the nice things recorded in yesterday’s comments.  I have very few friends left in this world today. New friends are hard to come by when you are mostly deaf, even with implants.  It is very hard to impossible to carry on a conversation in a crowd.  Even folks with hearing aids know how hard it is to keep up.

Someone asked me, “Don’t you read lips?”  I do and I don’t.  Meaning I do a combination, I must hear the sound and match it to the lip movements. That is exactly how I and many folks hear who are losing their hearing.  Many people do not realize they are lip reading.

All I am saying is it seems most my friends are here now.  I do have about 5 good personal friends. One in Pennsylvania, One in Florida, one in eastern NC and a couple at our local church. I want to reconnect with my friend here in Florida.  Sherry and I smile when I mention Buddy.

I considered him the Fonz of our small tight group, and he didn’t even have a motorcycle. LOL.  He was also the witty one of the group.

Also, I wanted to say that my sweetheart took me out to dinner this afternoon.  I chose the Oakwood Smokehouse in Eustis, FL; we both had The Rack of Ribs. It was delicious, with enough left over for tomorrow. I also tried a ‘roasted corn salad.’  It was good, but for some reason I thought it would be warm, but it was cool.  I did enjoy it.

I hope your day was good.  I had a short dizzy spell last night. I figured it was my introduction to getting old. (My lovely wife always corrects me when I say ‘GETTING OLD’. “No Honey, not getting, WE ARE OLD!”)  As my Chaplain once told me, “Chief, SHE is always right!”

Thanks for stopping by!


Nite Shipslog


AGAIN THANKS for reading the  Shipslog. It is nice to know some folks read this stuff that an old man writes.  I may not mention it often, but I do have a blessed life.  I NEED to keep that in perspective, but at times I forget and dwell on the one or two negatives I am facing. for one, today I am still dizzy. Just got out of bed, again (2pm). I appreciate prayers. God is GOOD.

I need to Smile, HE is good! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Antique has a Birthday


A picture from the Past.


                                   About 17 years old and now 86

Just a short 59 years later I lost my hair, other than that I                 don't see much change. LOL

For Today:

It seemed impossible when I reached 60 years of age, that was 1999. If my dad had lived (he passed when he was 69) he would be 122 years and 3 days  old. He was born January 14, 1903.

The changes  dad saw in his short 69 years, WOW. When he and mom were married their transportation was still mules and a wagon. He remembered the first real airplane. He saw cars when there were few paved roads. He lived to see someone land on the moon.  WOW that shakes my soul.

But then, I saw the birth of TV.  I lived thru the first computers until they became common place.  I saw telephones become portable; then become a computer

I have seen automobile engines go from a life of 40-60,000 miles, to some reaching 400,000 miles.

I never saw an imported car the first 12 years of my life. My first  was the Volkswagen Beetle.

In my early life, anything made in Japan was junk.  Now their production is considered top of the line.

Strange how life goes on. Today I celebrate 86 years on this planet. I must tell you, I NEVER THOUGHT that high! I can still jump, well maybe 3 inches. LOL

If need be, I can  still work an 8-10 hour day. (As long as I am required to remember what I did!)     ;-)

My life:

At 17, Quit school and joined the USMC

Tricked Sherry into marrying me at 17 yrs old.

Discharge USMC

Short job Charlotte Observer News.

Joined the USAF, finished tour, discharge

Became a preacher for a short time Pastored 3 churches, organized and built one.

Quit Church (reasons another day maybe)

Short time in school to become a surveyor. Quit that school. (I did a lot of quitting)

Joined the USN/ Retired

Maintenance man Raddison Plaza 1 month, quit!

Bought & ran a Roach Coach (Catering truck) Passed truck to sons.

Became a builder, Studied tested, became licensed Contractor. Organized a Construction Company

(Most of this time Sherry was working,  Civil Service.)

She decided to retire when I was planning a Sub division. She said QUIT , that is too much stress. I quit!.

We leased/rented our homes bought an RV and started traveling.

Four RVs later, WE have been traveling over 25 years now. All 50 states, a lot of Canada, some Mexico, a total of about 26 countries. all on a shoestring.

My sweetheart  was 2 yrs older than I, until today now she is only 1 yr older. ‘-)

I catch up every year. Some say she raised my right, her old boyfriends said she was crazy (but they are all dead now).

WE were blest with 2 fine boys. They have had the BEST of work ethic. They have families and their kids have good work ethics.

Sherry is now a Greatgrandma with a bunch of Greatgrands. We still have all our family except for Corey the oldest of the Grands. He passed away a few years ago. Like all grandpas, I have the BEST Grandchildren, lots of folks say that, but I am sure mine are the BEST!


Nite Shipslog


AGAIN THANKS for reading the  Shipslog. It is nice to know some folks read this stuff that an old man writes.  Smile, HE is good! I may not mention it often, but when I look back at what is, and what could have been, I know I must be one of the LORD's favorites. I am blessed, shucks just having Sherry makes me the most blessed dude in this world.



Snakes, snails and puppy dog tales


Photo from the Past:


When we lived on Lake Dora I went out on our pier, lo and behold this was on our boat! (This Moccasin did not live much longer).

 So for today:

Sherry got used to seeing snakes on the trail. So much so she could step over one and announce to me, ‘Snake on the trail.’

I think this was a 'ground snake' but we do treat most snakes as if they are poisonous and stay outside striking distance!

Once in a cold stream in Virginia, Sherry was soaking her feet and jerked them out of the water saying “a moccasin was swimming toward my feet!”

I said, “Don’t be silly, that water is too cold for a snake!” She put her feet back in the cold water and yep, I saw a small snake head toward her feet. We scared it off, but I learned that some snakes must handle cold blooded better than others. LOL


 In the past few years, I have been snake bit and dog bit. The Pit mix that bit me got my throat, chin and arm. He was on a leash, dragging his owner who could not stop him. Yes, still it is the dogs that my mind grabs; when a mean ‘looking’ dog is close by. Yeah, I know, I know; I have heard It a ‘million’ times, “Don’t worry he don’t bite, he is just a big ole teddy bear.”

Yeah right! Tell that to the family whose kids were killed. The kids had played with those Pits, their own dogs, most every day for 7 years; they turned on the kids, and killed them.

Back to snakes.

Once in Montana near Three Rivers, Sherry and I were camping by the headwaters of the Missouri River. I had killed a big Rattler near the camper; Sherry and I had walked off a piece when I said, “I have heard they Rattlers taste like chicken. I am going to skin and cook that sucker.”  I headed back to get the snake when up flew a big Eagle, flying about straight up carrying my snake! So I never had a chance to taste Rattle Snake, L

For Myra. When I was kid, I guess I thought I was invincible, I caught any snake to show off. Several Cotton Mouths and Copper Heads.  I never caught a rattler; they were not around where we lived. I was fast, I caught them just behind the head. I surprised our grandkids once by grabbing a Black Snake (nonpoisonous). To let them see one up close.

BUT the copper head that bit me cheated, it was hiding in the weeds I was pulling from around the base of a tree. I AM more leery now, I never REALIZED how terrible a bite can be, the worst pains I have ever suffered!!!!

Granddaughter Sherece and I were out at MY playhouse once and ran into a big snake. I told Sherece that is Sneeky Snake and to tell him not to go to the house or Grandma would kill him.

Sherece walked over to the snake, pointing at it and lectured him about going out to the house. I was proud of her; at 4yrs old was so stinking cute.


Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Title.. Conversations with Florida birds and Lizards


The beautiful Sandhill Craine (pic from the net)

For today:

I was raised in NC, the state bird is the Cardinal. I knew the names of several birds and they have fascinated me. BUT Florida is another ball game. WE have so many, here and to me some are odd, or stange.Not always fearful of people.

I can be working in the yard, and it seems immedioately I am visited by 10-20 Ibis,  just walking thru the yard eating. These dudes have long curved peeks. They peck constantly thru the grass. How in the world can they aim that beak and see that bug or hear it?

Top from the net of the White Ibis
Above is the two stragglers by the time I got my camera!

 Lately walking Sherry and I have met and talked to Charlie and Peggy. They are Sandhill Cranes. These dudes just saunter thru on those long legs mostly act like we are not around. They too have a long beak and evidently hear or see bugs, enough to keep them alive.

In the opening picture you can see the beautiful red on the head of the Sandhill Crane.

But as much as I like birds they don’t get close up and personal to talk. However our lizards are a different story. They are glad to talk, I have always wanted to hold one and talk to it. WELL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, today was the day. I was moving things on the carport and saw lizzie, I thought he was dead when he did not respond at all. I reached to touch him as I always do, and he usually scoots off. But today I got to touch him. He was not dead.  He moved his head and looked up at me. So I decided to pick him up,  he let me. I petted him and we had a great talk. I even knocked on the RV door and Sherry got to meet him. You don’t believe me do you? Well here is the proof.


That was my excitement for the day.

This happened because lizards like snakes are cold blooded. When they get cold their reactions are SLOW. I learned that as a kid and could impress my buddies by catching snakes and moccasions.

I will have to remember that when it is cool and look for a Lizzard to talk to when he MUST be still and listen.


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for reading this stuff. I especially like the comments of course, so THANKS for the comments. It has been a little cool for Florida, but now I am happy about it. ;-)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Things I will never know


or today:

I will never know what it is like to understand or follow the stock market reports or investing and managing my millions or billions.


What it is like to tell ‘my man’ to call our place in Maui and tell them to prepare dinner, then notify our pilot to have the plane ready with a flight plan to Maui. 

This is silly, of course I will never know what it is like to have paid ‘servants. Full time Valet, Cook, housekeeper, etc. or  the things concerning super wealth. I truly don’t care if I ever know. LOL

Like friend Myra says, we have to walk in their shoes. to know.

At mine and my sweethearts’ age, we are blessed to still have each other; and that she still likes me. Some of you have experienced what it is like to lose a loving mate.  Sherry and I cannot KNOW how that feels. WE are not naive, we know, unless there is a ‘Rapture’ of the good folks, or we are fortunate to pass from this world together, one of us will be left.

I sleep late, she told me once when I was sleeping later than usual, she stood by the bed watching to see If I moved.  We laughed about it. NOW, just one morning ago I awoke first, I seldom do that.  I watched her for 10-15 minutes; with this sleep sack we use, I could not tell if she was breathing; finally, she rolled over and I breathed a sigh of relief.

 You see, I sleep without my cochlear devices, so I am totally deaf. I would never know if she cried, yelled or whispered, unless she can touch me. I cannot hear a jet plane without the devices. I thought about that as she lay there not moving a muscle.

You see, we have both known someone who went to bed and never woke up. WE have a friend who was watching TV with her husband, she thought he had fallen asleep.  He had passed without a chirp.

Yeah in a few days I turn 86, she is already 87. We have outlived our families and so many friends.  My guess is, we have at best 10yrs left.  BUT WE ALL KNOW it can be a week or sooner.

 Unless you commit ‘sideways’** ONLY GOD knows our final hour

Nite Shipslog


Thanks for reading this stuff. I especially like the comments of course, so THANKS for the comments. It has been a little cool for Florida, NOT complaining, some of you are doing the snow and freeze shiver and dance.!  

**SIDEWAYS was suicide in my childhood.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Insurance Companies, THE BET

 That picture

This Picture is from California at  Will Rogers Ranch this week. It is possible the ins. was cancelled last week. I can imagine insurance has been paid for over 50 years.  Just saying.







For today:

First, about the 3 buttons, yes, the buttons on the sleeve not the coat it's self. ;-)

And the rich guys! I was not referring to self-made wealth or just millionaires, they can know tough things. The families that have had Billions their entire life, honestly nothing negative was meant, it is just there are things they will NEVER KNOW! 

Victor might say: I asked if I could walk in the Billionaires shoes and he said, take the bus!  Love you guys...


I have always heard the insurance company is betting nothing will happen to you or your home, and you are betting it will, when you take out a policy.

I am a customer who always refuses extended warrantee on   tools, appliances or equipment. When  am asked, do you want the $$ extended warrantee?

Sometimes I ask, “ Isn't this warranted already?”

“Yes but the insurance insures replacement, a year longer.”

I NEVER buy extended warrantees. Most things will live past their warranted time. IMHO

When buying a home, if you take out a mortgage, of course the lender REQUIRES you insure it. If you own a home, you ARE NOT REQUIRED TO INSURE IT, Since we buy mostly fixeruppers, we never insure them.  I can understand those who fear damage, but since I repair almost anything that happens to a home, I do not insure them.

That exception is duplex in NC.  WE insure it because renters are involved.  (the manager is also our insurance agent LOL.)

Since insurance is a bet. Lately I have learned that the Insurance companies have a way to ‘hedge’ their bets.  Remember the bad weather in Florida lately? Now the fires in California?  Insurance Companies, have cancelled thousands of policies knowing their bets in that area are losing bets. Too bad the homeowners cannot suspend payments, or at least pay every other month, in the good times. LOL

WE have never lost a home to fire or tornado, etc. Our only claim was a roof after a hailstorm.  To be factual we have insured those places in NC for near 30 years, paying insurance every year. So of course, the roof they GAVE US after the deductible, was paid for years ago. LOL

 I have had two businesses. I knew when I started them, if things went bad I could lose a lot.  Business owners know this. Businesses are a gamble, no guarantee. I thought Ins. Companies were the same. If they insure more than they can pay for, they run the risk of going broke.

I cannot imagine how I would feel if My agent knew a natural disaster might take my home in the next week and  call me to say, we are cancelling your policy, (Meaning: If we don’t we might have to pay . OUCH

I would be one upset dude. SO can you imagine the folks  in Florida who lost their homes to flooding and those in California who are losing theirs to fire, they must be devastated at the cancellations, WE PAID YOU AND TRUSTED YOU!!

Nite Shipslog


Always Good to see you. We look forward to  seeing you, you always make our Day, that is a guarantee!!THANKS!