This is a small section of the sign forest. Located at Watson Lake in the Yukon, travelers stop here to post a sign with their name or hometown name on it. Tradition since the ALCAN was built. I am to the left, next Dick and Kat. WE are a little hard to see (I don't know how they get the sign on the high spots).(click to enlarge)
BElow, Dick (BIL) and I wash the Saturn beside a fast flowing river in the Yukon. The Saturn was one of the few cars you could tow with 4 wheels ont he ground with our damage to the transmission.
Today's entry....l...

Some Bloggers are able to make you think. This time it was Paula, the cowgirl! Illegal dumping. Remote cameras are a good idea.
We all see it. There was a time I blamed the government, but they have relaxed some rules. One thing that has always bugged me was tires. There was a time when ‘recaps’ were big, and the tire dealers sold a tire for $20, plus your old recap able tire. Now I think new tires are more reasonable, so the old tire is just in the way. For MANY YEARS it cost a person to get rid of a tire. Thus the tires in the woods and along the road. Why a county would rather pay someone to collect these discarded tires, haul them and get rid of them, than taking them free for disposal in the first place, I will never know. THEN IN THE LAST FEW YEARS THEY PLACED the onus on the tire dealer or mechanic. YOU COLLECT A DISPOSAL FEE and send it to the government. I have asked tire dealers if they got a percentage of this for handling the tire and the answer I got was, 'not that I know of’.
So now when you buy an appliance, tire etc you pay for it’s disposal when you purchase it. We have bought stoves and refers and they all carry a disposal fee. I think TV’s also. So where does the money go? Dogged if I know, some government desk jockey found a way to collect more of your money and hire someone to account for it etc. Bigger government. Every administration that has been elected state and federal ALL promise the same thing, we are going to cut government. HA!
What started this tirade? Oh yes, illegal dumping. At home the dump will accept two tires without a charge, $2 each for more. Makes no sense when the person buying the tire, paid for its disposal. Oh well. Maybe they have changed, I don’t go to the dump anymore.
We get exercise now carrying our trash to the dumpster.
I think it would be wonderful if someone would come up with a genuine great way to recycle tires (by the millions). I have seen rubber mulch, but that is only a drop in the bucket to the number of old tires.
Nuff said. (a long time ago)
Nite Shipslog
How Do You Get Holy Water?
So now when you buy an appliance, tire etc you pay for it’s disposal when you purchase it. We have bought stoves and refers and they all carry a disposal fee. I think TV’s also. So where does the money go? Dogged if I know, some government desk jockey found a way to collect more of your money and hire someone to account for it etc. Bigger government. Every administration that has been elected state and federal ALL promise the same thing, we are going to cut government. HA!
What started this tirade? Oh yes, illegal dumping. At home the dump will accept two tires without a charge, $2 each for more. Makes no sense when the person buying the tire, paid for its disposal. Oh well. Maybe they have changed, I don’t go to the dump anymore.
We get exercise now carrying our trash to the dumpster.
I think it would be wonderful if someone would come up with a genuine great way to recycle tires (by the millions). I have seen rubber mulch, but that is only a drop in the bucket to the number of old tires.
Nuff said. (a long time ago)
Nite Shipslog
How Do You Get Holy Water?
You Boil The Hell Out Of It !
What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall?
What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall?
What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long?
What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work?
A Stick!