Below...(DRUM ROLL....) THE LATEST ADDITION .....(Lights)........
Nite Shipslog.
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Now today's entry.......
More news from Utah. I haven’t reported it because I have been busy. We have another Great Grand daughter. She is Allura Lynn. Born to Corey and Amanda out in the great state of Utah.
I hope to include pictures of Corey’s family here, if the uploader will cooperate.
Corey was one of the brilliant kids who got side tracked by being a father much too young. He is doing great though and working in construction. He and Ben work together and build some awesome houses.(learned the word awesome from the grand kids).
I have a date with Corey and Ben’s other grandma to go hot air ballooning if we can be in Utah at the right time. Sherry says she don’t want to go. That was one of the anniversary present’s that was suggested. Have you ever been in a Hot Air balloon? I never have but have thought it would be fun. My question is, how do they know where it is going? It doesn’t have an engine. Oh well, someone must know where it is going. Don’t they????
Anyway Allura Lynn weighed 7lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. (When they give the length I always think of catching a fish and measuring it. HA!)
Every one was sorta hoping for red hair, but it doesn’t seem so they say. Great Granpa Dick used to have red hair I think, Grandma Carol has red hair and Corey, the dad has red hair. It may change. How knows?
More news from Utah. I haven’t reported it because I have been busy. We have another Great Grand daughter. She is Allura Lynn. Born to Corey and Amanda out in the great state of Utah.
I hope to include pictures of Corey’s family here, if the uploader will cooperate.
Corey was one of the brilliant kids who got side tracked by being a father much too young. He is doing great though and working in construction. He and Ben work together and build some awesome houses.(learned the word awesome from the grand kids).
I have a date with Corey and Ben’s other grandma to go hot air ballooning if we can be in Utah at the right time. Sherry says she don’t want to go. That was one of the anniversary present’s that was suggested. Have you ever been in a Hot Air balloon? I never have but have thought it would be fun. My question is, how do they know where it is going? It doesn’t have an engine. Oh well, someone must know where it is going. Don’t they????
Anyway Allura Lynn weighed 7lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. (When they give the length I always think of catching a fish and measuring it. HA!)
Every one was sorta hoping for red hair, but it doesn’t seem so they say. Great Granpa Dick used to have red hair I think, Grandma Carol has red hair and Corey, the dad has red hair. It may change. How knows?
Had some bad news from Utah. Carol, Ben & Corey's mother was rear ended and totaled her car. She was out of commission for a few days, she is at work now but still hurting. She will try to mend over the Christmas Holidays. Not a great time to try to mend. huh?
More exciting family information later.
Cruise report,.....Weight gain on the Cruise:
I took care of that by gaining my five pounds before we started. So I did not add anything to it. Sherry did not gain either, but she cheated and did not gain hers in advance nor on the cruise. LOL.
I took care of that by gaining my five pounds before we started. So I did not add anything to it. Sherry did not gain either, but she cheated and did not gain hers in advance nor on the cruise. LOL.
Nite Shipslog.
TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am'
MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.
Hi Jack, another beautiful little girl. Congratulations to your family. Glad you noticed 'Cracker's Mule'. Just in case you missed where I talked about it, the small Alabama town he is sent too is my hometown, Opp, AL. It's more a young person's book, but I enjoyed it. I got a couple of them autographed for my daughters. Take care, Sheila
PS. Thanks for the compliment, my daughter is a sweet girl. (her sister will tell you different...ha)
Hi Jack and Sherrie Congratulation on your beautiful new g-granddaughter. Take care, Jean
Well, Well another Great Grand Daughter. WOW Sorry to hear about Carol's mother they are lovely people. When I was out shopping there was an accident on every corner I said let me get home. Hot Air Balloon Ride I don't think so. I am full of enough Hot Air. (No comment from you Brother.)
That is one gorgeous baby.
About time for an updated picture of Elsie M.
Congratulations to you and Sherry.
at least you will be able to see her and hold her when you go to ride the hot air ballon.
I dont ever want to do that. I dont even like to sit high up in balcony seats.
What a sweet little baby. Congrats to everyone. Haven't been in a hot air balloon and don't plan on it but I like to watch them from the ground.
Congratulations on being great grandparents again. She's a cutie!
Sorry to hear about Carol being in an accident. Hope her injuries heal soon.
Heck, ya only live once, don't worry about the weight it ain't going nowhere, lol. I can look at food and gain weight might as well eat it, lol.
Congratulations on your great grandaughter. She still may get red hair. My daughter was born with black hair and it turned blonde after a few months
congrats on the new baby! she's beautiful and such a pretty name!!!
I'm proud of you and Sherry for not gaining weight on the cruise! that took some effort not to since I know that food is soo tempting and delicious!
Congrats on your precious new great grandaughter!! She is adorable.
So sorry to hear about the accident...hope she recovers soon and gets to enjoy the holidays!
Hot air balloon ride? Nope never been on one...but with enough courage I might would go on one...but it would take alot of coaxing me into it..haha If you do , have a blast and get someone to take a pic of you in it :)
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