This was just after Jack finished Boot Camp.
Okay I am not telling anyone when we move to avoid the bill collectors. Last time some from TEXAS Told (LOL). So I am not going to say we have moved again. LOL
Beautiful day here in central Florida. (Not to mention clear and 80's) I hope it is nice where you are.
I was happy with the comments on the Lottery. Funny how we all look at the world. Yep we never said Pizza, it was Pizza pie!
It is coming up on the new year. I always love to look in retrospect at the changes over the years. We have some old folk that Blog. I won’t mention any names but I think 'L', probably has most of us beat, having seen the most changes.
The preacher we sat under Sunday at Lake Hermosa said a few things I understood. Most Sermons and music I do not understand (due to hearing loss). He said he had spanned horses and wagons to space walks. The man did not look old enough to have remembered horses and wagons. But then Florida 60-70 years ago was still pretty open and wild. Sorta like parts of the mid west and west.
When my dad moved to Belmont, NC for a pastorate, the parsonage was just across from Mr. Robinson’s house. He still hauled things for pay in a wagon pulled by a big grey horse. Gaston County has an Italian family that makes Ice Cream. The Place is called simply ‘Tony’s’. When I was small visiting my Grandma and kin in Lowell, on the ArtCloth mill hill, Tony sold Ice cream from a horse and wagon.
My parents lived to the advent of the first automobile through rockets into space. Our changes today are not that momentous, but the electronics/scientific world is changing by the hour it seems. Buy a new phone, computer, printer, TV etc. today and it will be out of date in a few months.
I welcome the New Year. I am hoping that the new administration can do something with the economy. I hope all our family finds true happiness in the coming year. I hope our grand children make the right choices in the year.
I can hope, but it is their responsibility. (Of course if I win the lottery, I will try to help!)
Nite Shipslog
PS: Time, we have a new year coming up, let's use it wisely.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane?
Beautiful day here in central Florida. (Not to mention clear and 80's) I hope it is nice where you are.
I was happy with the comments on the Lottery. Funny how we all look at the world. Yep we never said Pizza, it was Pizza pie!
It is coming up on the new year. I always love to look in retrospect at the changes over the years. We have some old folk that Blog. I won’t mention any names but I think 'L', probably has most of us beat, having seen the most changes.
The preacher we sat under Sunday at Lake Hermosa said a few things I understood. Most Sermons and music I do not understand (due to hearing loss). He said he had spanned horses and wagons to space walks. The man did not look old enough to have remembered horses and wagons. But then Florida 60-70 years ago was still pretty open and wild. Sorta like parts of the mid west and west.
When my dad moved to Belmont, NC for a pastorate, the parsonage was just across from Mr. Robinson’s house. He still hauled things for pay in a wagon pulled by a big grey horse. Gaston County has an Italian family that makes Ice Cream. The Place is called simply ‘Tony’s’. When I was small visiting my Grandma and kin in Lowell, on the ArtCloth mill hill, Tony sold Ice cream from a horse and wagon.
My parents lived to the advent of the first automobile through rockets into space. Our changes today are not that momentous, but the electronics/scientific world is changing by the hour it seems. Buy a new phone, computer, printer, TV etc. today and it will be out of date in a few months.
I welcome the New Year. I am hoping that the new administration can do something with the economy. I hope all our family finds true happiness in the coming year. I hope our grand children make the right choices in the year.
I can hope, but it is their responsibility. (Of course if I win the lottery, I will try to help!)
Nite Shipslog
PS: Time, we have a new year coming up, let's use it wisely.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane?
Love to see Odis ships and the repilca of the
USSNC that is on diaplay at the Media Center
in Salibury. I remember the good ole days and
did love them. Looking back I couldn't even think of me being this age. I guess I thought I would be young forever. What an eye opener.
Hello Mr. Jack,
I love the pictures and you know that change so fast now days that we have all seen a lot of changes.
God Bless
Love the pics!
Happy New Year Jack and Sherry!!!!
I think jack looks like you and mark looks like Sherry, who by the way is very pretty.
both are handsome boys.
I also think that whether you win the lottery or not you have already given your kids and grandkids the best life has to offer, a great family to belong to. it just dont get no better than that .
thats what I am still living for, a better life, a more loving family. if I ever get that then I might move on to thinking of the lottery.
I was a telephone operator during the time we had to listen in to see if the call was over. Not my fault if I heard a little gossip along the way. My point is I don't even know how to use these new fangled cell phones. Boy! Have some of us seen change.
loved the picture of Sherry with your 2 boys when they were younger (Sherry is still young LOL)
there have been lots of changes over the years, haven't there? our kids just shake their heads when we say things that weren't invented just a few short years ago; things they take for granted like cell phones, laptops, etc.
it will be an interesting year with the new administration; lots of hard work to get our country going again
Happy new year to you and Sherry!
I to think "L" has seen the most changes. When I think back to my earliest memories and all the things that have happened over time it is hard to believe that I am actually sitting at this computer and sort of knowing how to use it. Love the pictures and Jack and Sherry you must have A HAPPY NEW YEAR, you wonderful wanderers. Lucy
Came across your Blog via Mort's "Caring and Sharing" and really enjoyed the read ~ Thankyou ~ Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year ~ Ally x
Trying to catch up on a few entries I missed over the holidays. You won't believe this coming from this hillbilly but I love Rock N Roll music and the only concert I ever went to was KISS. They were great in concert.
I'm way behind on the technical stuff. I don't see how people afford to buy the latest computers and cell phones as they come out like they do.
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