This is laughable. Coincidence? I had THIS entry(or one like it), complete, and it just faded away. Monitor said, ‘disk error’, AND then message and post faded…. GONE!
Do you ever get frustrated and take it out on an inanimate object? i.e. Kick a flat tire, curse a worn screw driver or throw something. Maybe a ball point pen that skips at the WRONG TIME?
Okay, that is the point, the WRONG or WORST TIME to break. QUESTION JACK, is there a RIGHT time?
YES! I think a washing machine ‘knows it is going to stop.’ So at 10 am on Wednesday it should announce, “Hey out there, since I am not going to be used until Saturday morning, my timer is going out, this would be a good time to replace it, when I am not needed.”
I am sure you do not talk to ‘things’, but I seem to have developed that habit. Leaving Maine the other day, we hit a LOT of Heavy Rain. We were on the 2 lane Hwy #16 in New Hampshire when I noticed the driver’s wiper was tangled with the hose that supplies the wiper cleaning fluid. Then I noticed the blade was slipping down out of it’s locks and the top metal was beginning to hit the glass. This can permanently scar a windshield.
Fortunately I found a pull off. While in the rain putting an underway patch on the wiper I asked, “Couldn’t you find a better time?” Thru the rain I heard it laughing.
“EXCUSE ME SIR, but you paid no attention to me when I called out to you a couple days ago when the sun was shining to tell you I thought the lower metal piece was fatigued and would give-way soon.” Rain continues, so does the wiper, “I have also been dodging that little hose for a year. ‘OUCH,’ now you are squeezing with piers and tightening that string around my belly, I can hardly breathe, but I will not stop completely, I will work but that string won’t last forever, you remember that when the sun comes out again.” And under its breath I heard “dummy”.
This is such an appropriate entry for us. Sherry just came in frustrated with her new contact lenses. “I must have them in the wrong eye, this is frustrating.” (I couldn’t help myself, I smiled)
“Can’t be, those are the only eyes you have.” (not cool, but she laughed!)
Thanks for sticking with me. This is not the one I lost, but close.
Nite Shipslog
Frustration is not new. Remember the guy Moses? Throwing down the tablets he had in his hands, “A GOLDEN CALF!, ARE Y’ALL CRAZY?”
Today’s vehicle, appropriate. (water, water every where, nor a drop to drink!)
(that is a fleet side Chevy truck 60-70 era methinks.)