This was the whole crowd at our wedding. This was at the Justice of the peace, Sam Nunn's house.

My mom and dad on the left, Sherry's mom & Dad in the middle, the bride and groom on the right.

See how happy she was, Boy was she glad she waited ont me all that time. LOL But of course the kid was the lucky one,
always have been!
This is true love. I go away to Boot Camp and my girl is waiting for me when I get out.
When I lived in Albemarle, NC I met Roger Slack. Von Dale knew him well. One time while I was home on weekend Von Dale, Martha and Sherry & I drove to Albemarle to see Roger. He had just gotten married. On the way home (In the Back seat) I proposed to Sherry. She accepted. I was walking on air. We were going to be married.
It seems it was to be every weekend I was off, but when I got home something happened it did not happen. One weekend I wrecked my car on the way home. One weekend we planned, “NEXT WEEKEND FOR SURE”. I brought several boys home from Camp Geiger on the weekend for $5 round trip. On the way to Belmont that week Mickey Slough, from Concord was riding with me. He said, I am getting married this weekend. I knew he was blowing smoke he always did. So I said I am too, I’ll bet you $50 I get married and you don’t. ‘It is a bet, You are on,’ he said.
Now I have it made, someone is paying for our (one night) honeymoon!
I have always been a good business man. I like a stacked deck, especially if I stack it. This was a sure thing, what could go wrong.
I get home, thrilled with my brilliance (And just must open my big mouth). Guess what Sweetheart? I made a bet with Mickey that we were going to get married this weekend. Easy money!
“WHAT?ARE YOU CRAZY? I AM NOT MARRYING YOU ON A BET!” And she didn’t. Something’s you need to keep to yourself! Huh?
But we did get married soon after. Our families went with us to York, SC. WE were married in SC mainly because they required only a short waiting time and no blood tests. I answered, Yes Sir instead of I do and Sherry followed with the same answer,”Yes,SIR”. That still counts don’t it?
WE had a cake cutting back in NC at the parsonage. And we were off to Lake Lure for our one night honey moon. No, I am not telling about the wedding night, except to say we were two happy, ignorant kids.
Oh, the next day we drove back East a short distance and saw a big Restaurant. We went in and sat down and ordered breakfast. The waitress looked at her watch. “I guess he can do it.” I looked at my watch it was two in the afternoon! (Time flies when you are having fun!)
The place became famous a few years ago when Patrick Swazie ‘s movie ‘Dirty Dancing’ was filmed there. We never saw the movie, now Sherry wants to see it, I thought she knew it, but she did not know it until he died and I mentioned it. Funny the setting for the movie they was in the Catskills, where we are now.
SOOOOOOOOOO we are Married, it was September 22, 1956. ( I was 17 she was 18) folks are still wondering to this day, if it will last. HA! Of course we have out lived some who thought it would not. I love this girl more than life itself. She is still beautiful, wonderful and can still ‘yank my chain’.
Thanks for following us in our stroll. Well at least my stroll, she has agreed with most I have said. She did say, “Did you have to mention that?” (about the bra hooks, I said “yeah, I have always been proud of that maneuver”) My blog, my words. LOL
Nite Shipslog
PS:Back in mid 1950, you could hear these dire predictions in Belmont, NC:
'The drive-in restaurant is convenient in nice weather, But I seriously doubt they will ever catch on.
'There is no sense going to Lincoln or Omaha, Charlotte or Gastonia anymore for a weekend, It costs nearly $15.00 a night to stay in a hotel.
'No one can afford to be sick anymore, At $35.00 a day in the hospital it's too rich for my blood.'
'If they think I'll pay 50 cents for a hair cut, forget it.' (and I don't)LOL