Todays shocking entry......
So back home with my tail between my legs, back to school where Mr. Courtner advised me that my detention time was reinstated with more added for unexcused absences. Now I had set a school record, nice guy like me. That did not make any difference, I had to quit again in a few months to join the USMC for real.
I did. The first night and most nights after that I mentally kicked my rear for joining. This was no fun on Parris Island. But my love would not let me down. Some friends brought Sherry down to see me. WRONG! Ain’t supposed to have visitors, don’t need ‘em my DI is my mama, daddy,wife,girlfriend and anybody else. GET rid of them!
“Yes Sir”
I sat in the car with them for a few minutes and then said I have to go. Quick/short visit.
DI, “Pvt. Darnell was there a girl in that car?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Did you kiss her?” DI.
“Welllll yes, sir!”
“Well boy we all want to enjoy that visit, some of us don’t get to kiss girls while on Parris Island, Get up on that ironing table.”
“Yes sir,” in the center of the barracks there is a table about 4’x8’, covered with canvas for ironing uniforms. I jumped up on it.”
“Gather round troops, now Darnell hand me the light bulb!”
I unscrewed the bare bulb which was hot, but I was a Marine and it could not hurt. I handed him the bulb. “Now give that socket a good wet kiss to remind these guys how it is done, they have probably forgotten.”
Now believe me, Sherry’s kisses are electric and they give me a thrill, but this was very shocking. Her next visit was much better!
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
Back in mid 1950, you could hear these dire predictions in Belmont, NC:<
'It's too bad things are so tough nowadays.. I see where a few married women are having to work to make ends meet.'It won't be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone To watch their kids so they can both work.
Well after the little accident with the Car, I lost my driver’s license. Again I am walking to school, and walking over to see my girl. Soooo I have this bright Idea, Join the Marines.
Being 16 that took some finesse. Getting a birth certificate, registering for the draft, changing the birth certificate etc. Sherry had her own type writer at home so she let me modify the birth certificate using it. The background was a green cross stitch pattern to show the erasures. Being a pretty good artist I took a green pencil and matched the pattern to hide the change. Crumpled the certificate, ironed it and had a photstat made. I was on my way. Tests, shots, physical, and a ticket to Raleigh NC to get sworn in. I got caught in Raleigh. SBI threatened me with jail for forgery etc. but if I would come back at 17 all would be forgiven.
So back home with my tail between my legs, back to school where Mr. Courtner advised me that my detention time was reinstated with more added for unexcused absences. Now I had set a school record, nice guy like me. That did not make any difference, I had to quit again in a few months to join the USMC for real.
I did. The first night and most nights after that I mentally kicked my rear for joining. This was no fun on Parris Island. But my love would not let me down. Some friends brought Sherry down to see me. WRONG! Ain’t supposed to have visitors, don’t need ‘em my DI is my mama, daddy,wife,girlfriend and anybody else. GET rid of them!
“Yes Sir”
I sat in the car with them for a few minutes and then said I have to go. Quick/short visit.
DI, “Pvt. Darnell was there a girl in that car?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Did you kiss her?” DI.
“Welllll yes, sir!”
“Well boy we all want to enjoy that visit, some of us don’t get to kiss girls while on Parris Island, Get up on that ironing table.”
“Yes sir,” in the center of the barracks there is a table about 4’x8’, covered with canvas for ironing uniforms. I jumped up on it.”
“Gather round troops, now Darnell hand me the light bulb!”
I unscrewed the bare bulb which was hot, but I was a Marine and it could not hurt. I handed him the bulb. “Now give that socket a good wet kiss to remind these guys how it is done, they have probably forgotten.”
Now believe me, Sherry’s kisses are electric and they give me a thrill, but this was very shocking. Her next visit was much better!
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
Back in mid 1950, you could hear these dire predictions in Belmont, NC:<
'It's too bad things are so tough nowadays.. I see where a few married women are having to work to make ends meet.'It won't be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone To watch their kids so they can both work.
'I'm afraid the Volkswagen car is going to open the door to a whole lot of foreign business.
'Thank goodness I won't live to see the day when the Government takes half our income in taxes. I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best people to congress.
As usual great pictures. When you have time tell me more about natural area.
I told Lucy about the natural areas. Well
I am glad you started staying out of trouble.
At our age we cannot handle much. The things teenagers get into when we were young. Still don't hold a candle to what some do in today's world.
...a bit speachless, however impressed by your courage with that light bulb...
I hope Sherry's kiss was worth having to kiss a light socket...ha. which I am sure it was for you. Have a great week, Sheila
I guess you were a bad boy for those days but I agree with Shirl. Kissing a girl in the car doesn't compare with what some do now. Interesting entry as always.
oh my, that must have been an electrifying kiss for sure!! I like how you tried to enlist before your time; very clever with how you tried to make your certificate look authenticate and to make you older than you were
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