For some folk, Christmas is a chore. Even for some who honestly love and adore the Christ child and who appreciate His gift to mankind.
As we left the Campground this morning to meet our friends, one local man had decided to say it for everyone “to see.” The interpretation was clear, even for us old simple minded folk.
“Christmas hustle & bustle is over for another year!” There on the side of the road, was SANTA. Laid back in a lounge chair, under a beach umbrella. Reading the paper and occasionally pausing to wave at someone who blew the horn in recognition or his ‘Yesterday’s satisfying but tiring journey spreading good cheer.’ Of course I did not have my camera. Shucks! I figured the Reindeer had dropped him off in sunny Florida before they headed back to their comfortable North Pole.
In all honesty, over the past fifty years, we have made Christmas a chore. The story book picture is gone for the majority. No longer do we go over the hills and through the woods to Grandmothers house. Funny (strange) you must get OLD before you can see the imIt makes a beautiful Christmas card, but is no longer reality.
WE HAVE MISPLACED THE IMportance of this season.
We NEVER went into debt for Christmas. Our policy has been, if we can’t buy it, we don’t get it. It worked for us. What anyone else does is their business. I would have dreaded to see the Credit Card bill come in in January.
So God Bless us All! Remember the American Fighting Man/Woman. And those away from home, under orders.
Nite Shipslog
PS: These sentences ( with all the BLOOPERS ) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled.
So God Bless us All! Remember the American Fighting Man/Woman. And those away from home, under orders.
Nite Shipslog
PS: These sentences ( with all the BLOOPERS ) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled.
Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.-
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
Dear Brother I have had a good time spending your inhertance this Christmas. We had the party it was over $200.00 and paid for lots of lunches. Gave presents to people who deserved them. So hold on to your money, because I love
to shop bought a few things I don't need. I wish I needed more things because the sales are great. I might try to be better next year.
We never went into debt for Christmas either. My youngest married someone who did. They were getting so deep into it trying to please people my daughter made the decision they wouln't buy for anyone and go skiing instead. Okay by me but don't think the mom-in-law is too happy about it.
One thing about it , my family does not go into debt for christmas.I mean my children and I. I probably spend more than anyone else because I have the 7 Kids the spouses and the grandkids to buy for.However I am on the look out all year long and buy stuff on sale and put it away until then.
I have to admit in years past I would overspend on Christmas and charge things that I usually paid off in January, but not this year, and guess what? It was one of our better Christmases!!
loved the picture of the pier all lit up; shame the new people didn't keep up with the tradition
There were many years when I could afford to and did overspend on Christmas. Now with the slower economy and 9 grandchildren, I take it easy! Remember Christmas clubs? Do they still have them? Hope you had a nice Christmas! Lindie
Hello Mr. Jack,
We never overspend we set a limit per child and that is what we spend. My children survive.
God Bless
I never over spend for Christmas this year I gave them a Little money to get what they want. Due to my husband sickness and surgery I didn't have time to go shopping,Guess I'm getting to old,Lol. Take care jean
Well Shirl and I should be much as we love to shop...LOL I went shopping last night and this morning on the lookout for bargains leftover from Christmas...I found some good deals! I have to admit...I do overspend on Christmas...especially when the nieces and nephews are small...once they get 8 or 9...we start giving them cash...cause they get too hard to buy for...I made a vow that next year will be better ..I plan to do everything in advance and not be so rushed...I might buy things throughout the year if I catch a good sale....instead of last minute stuff...that really makes me wanna have a
Love the decorated it so nice!!!
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