Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The folding Piano


Photo of the day:

These pictures were on my phone, Jack Jr. had to show me how to get them to this blog. ;-O


The top photo is our piano.  It is a heavy decoration. Only visitors play it. I took one fifty cent lesson in 1946. Sherry once learned a few songs, but never continued so it sits until Grandson Josh drops by or someone else plays us a few songs. The book is one written by our friend Victor who lives:  ‘OVER THERE’.

So for today:

We had a great family get together last Saturday.

I know all you Grandparents think your grands are the best, but Imma tell you that ours are the best.  I am smiling because it is SWEET that we all can have the BEST MOM and BEST Grands.

We do have some of the BEST. All have a good work ethic and have been successful. BUT today I am thinking of a special guy. Joshua is very brainy in the software area. 


He and I sorta joke back and forth about the electronic antique days. Since I was fortunate to be in on the first break thru in commercial ‘computers’. I repaired them and programmed some using antic words like Fortran and Cobol.  Now he talks the machine’s language. And does fantastic things that fit inside the computer’s brain.

He never ceases to amaze me at what he can do physically (He ran a 15 mile ½ marathon just before coming to the party last Saturday). BUT on the brainy and talent end he brought with him his piano. It was just about small enough to be in his pocket!

Here it is on the table in our picnic area.


Then he unfolded it!!


And then he played it. He is an excellent musician also.


We all stood around in Awe as it actually could be played. LOL

Isn’t life amazing?

Oh and the party planned and payed for by son Mark, Son Jack Jr. joined in and it was one of the best family get-togethers we have had. WE love to see the cousins playing together...

Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net, thank you for being here… reading and when you can leaving a comment. WE appreciate it.