Photo of the day:
This is our duplex, it is designed and listed as Condos. The side you see here is the rental unit. We live in the far side when in NC, I am working on the basement presently..
For today:
around here have become unglued.
I lost a very good friend from my tour in the USN. DAN Doughton, my
immediate boss and leading Chief in Naval Intelligence. Dan was also my best friend in the USN in Key
West. We worked closely together. He picked me to travel to Philadelphia with
him on temporary duty to assist a contractor in writing a manual for a new
processing system. We were away from our
families for a few weeks and during that time his wife, Joan, taught Sherry to
swim, she had always wanted to learn.
was Catholic. I learned he was very involved in his church. I understand a
person must be beyond reproach to be selected by his priest to administer the sacrament.
Dan was chosen to visit the bedfast Catholics and serve the communion. I will
miss knowing Dan is no longer living up there in Lancaster, PA He was such a great guy.
2 My Sweetheart has been sick, and I have been
doing my best to handle the household things and meals. One test came back said
she was suffering from e-Coli. I have learned that doesn’t bother informed
medical folk, but E-COLI scares the crap out of me. I associate it with DEATH. We had a friend who died, we were informed it
was due to E-Coli!!!!
AT my
insistence, she called for an appointment with her physician, a PA. We learned
it is a common problem; it may heal itself with antibiotics. She is now on her
second round of them. I am not doing a great job, but I am trying to be her
caregiver. ;-(
I am not the best about this, but she smiles,
although she doesn’t feel like it.
Will be
around again soon, I hope
I have
started a big project of making a 2 BR apartment in the basement of our rental
unit. Hoping to make it livable in a few
months, and pay as we gol
God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet.
In person and here on the net, thank you for being here…
I am very sorry about your old friend - every friend we have had and lost is hard. I think too the older we get the more we lose.
And Sherri, I will send up prayers. I am sorry she has this. Hopefully the medicine will take care of it. She doesn't need to go to the hospital? Take care of cross contamination too. I hope she gets well soon.
It is always scary when we get sick as we get older. E.Coli is especially scary, I think. Praying that Sherry gets well soon and that you can continue to serve as her caretaker without getting sick yourself.
I am sorry to hear that you have lost a good friend. We have had a few losses in the past few years and, while it is to be expected as we age, it is still sad and often a shock when it actually happens.
Prayers for both of you- Diana
Oh, what back-to-back blows! I'm so sorry your heart's hurting, both for Dan and your sweetheart. No doubt, you're being the best caregiver, but I don't blame you for fretting. Lifting my prayers right now for you both!
So sorry to learn of your loss in yet another friend. And sorry to hear about Sherry too. May the dear Lord comfort you and send Sherry some healing and good health! Thankfully you'll make a good caregiver. You know taking on that job in the basement at least gives you something else to do. It seems you likes to keep busy!
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