It looks like early December will be the publishing date for the new book “Why Not Forever?” It is partly about our lives (Sherry & I) and suggestions for young folk in facing this, the most important part of their lives, marriage.
The following is an excerpt from the book (this part is from an area where I am talking about some of the basic problems in the beginning of the marriage):
(In a new marriage)……..Food is seldom a major problem. The way the toilet paper is hung on the roller, over or under, is sometimes a simple problem. How folks dress in the privacy of their home has become an issue. Some families move around their homes in their underwear and think nothing about it, while others think it is not proper.
Some families freely ‘pass wind’ when amongst family members, to others it is gross. Then there are pajamas and gowns. To some of us, it is a useless piece of apparel, getting in the way and hiding good stuff, except when company is in the house. To others sleeping nude is gross. Between two becoming one these things are small bumps in the road that you are traveling to become one. Pajamas are something I have not owned in many years. You just don’t see many Marines and Sailors running around in PJ’s. When company comes I find some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Sherry sometimes still wears a gown to the bed, and then it comes off. I enjoy feeling the warmth of our bodies (among other things allowed by this process of two becoming one)……………….(unquote)
The book is a bright yellow, I was trying for a gold cover, but that was the closest I could find. The book has a little for everyone. It is a shot gun approach. Alittle abut divorce. A little about the widow and widower. Some jokes and I hope some sound financial advice for folk old and young.
Anyway we have been asked by young folk what is the secret of the long marriage. I guess it is simply the right mate and saying why not forever? I am not completely ignorant of the fact that some marriages can never last. Some people just cannot be faithful ( I don’t know why, they just cannot.)
I feel so heartbroken for the good marriages that are cut short by death, leaving a loving spouse, who cannot fathom: why did this happen to me?
Today, especially, I am very Thankful for my bride of over 53 years. So this is my Thanksgiving thankful prayer: “Thank you God for the perfect mate! And the great life.”
Nite Shipslog
PS: A little Southern humor on Thanksgiving day:
The young man from Mississippi came running into the store and said to his buddy, "Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck from the parking lot!"
The following is an excerpt from the book (this part is from an area where I am talking about some of the basic problems in the beginning of the marriage):
(In a new marriage)……..Food is seldom a major problem. The way the toilet paper is hung on the roller, over or under, is sometimes a simple problem. How folks dress in the privacy of their home has become an issue. Some families move around their homes in their underwear and think nothing about it, while others think it is not proper.
Some families freely ‘pass wind’ when amongst family members, to others it is gross. Then there are pajamas and gowns. To some of us, it is a useless piece of apparel, getting in the way and hiding good stuff, except when company is in the house. To others sleeping nude is gross. Between two becoming one these things are small bumps in the road that you are traveling to become one. Pajamas are something I have not owned in many years. You just don’t see many Marines and Sailors running around in PJ’s. When company comes I find some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Sherry sometimes still wears a gown to the bed, and then it comes off. I enjoy feeling the warmth of our bodies (among other things allowed by this process of two becoming one)……………….(unquote)
The book is a bright yellow, I was trying for a gold cover, but that was the closest I could find. The book has a little for everyone. It is a shot gun approach. Alittle abut divorce. A little about the widow and widower. Some jokes and I hope some sound financial advice for folk old and young.
Anyway we have been asked by young folk what is the secret of the long marriage. I guess it is simply the right mate and saying why not forever? I am not completely ignorant of the fact that some marriages can never last. Some people just cannot be faithful ( I don’t know why, they just cannot.)
I feel so heartbroken for the good marriages that are cut short by death, leaving a loving spouse, who cannot fathom: why did this happen to me?
Today, especially, I am very Thankful for my bride of over 53 years. So this is my Thanksgiving thankful prayer: “Thank you God for the perfect mate! And the great life.”
Nite Shipslog
PS: A little Southern humor on Thanksgiving day:
The young man from Mississippi came running into the store and said to his buddy, "Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck from the parking lot!"
Bubba replied, "Did you see who it was?"
The young man answered, "I couldn't tell, but I got the license number."
I think your marriage lasted so long 'cause Sherry is such a good cooker. I'm glad you gave up the bone for that doggie.
oh my gosh what a feast you had! that dessert table was to "die for"!
I seriously think each young married couple should be assigned a mentoring couple that has been married many a year and survived many a storm and that couple needs to walk along side the couple as they get used to living with each other, going through some of the trials of life, etc; and most importantly praying for them daily to succeed. And people need to go into a marriage with "divorce is not an option" mentality. We "joked" about divorce, when the kids were younger (and hellions) we said whoever wanted a divorce had to take the kids (neither one of us wanted them alone without the other to help raise them); then when the kids got older and we got Koda we said "whoever wants the divorce" doesn't get Koda. That has made us stick together through thick and thin (and the commitment we made to stay together; we have had rocky roads/years but we try to honor those vows we made so many years ago)
Looks like a big feast to me yum yum. Now all those leftovers will make many meals. Good for MJ getting the soup bone. You have some good advice for married couples. Yours and Sherry's was just meant to be while others are not. You sound like the perfect couple. Helen
Sounds like a great Thanksgiving Meal. We also
had a good meal. I ate to much and was miserable. We have another big one to day. I feel like a baby blimp. I guess that means 2 weeks of fasting.
MU looks happy with the bone no fasting for her.
Sorry fingers got on the wrong key and put MJ's
name MU. Please don't tell MJ I mispelled her
name. Give me a break because of age.
Glad you all got to enjoy a big feast. Bet there was a lot of sitting around after with pants unbutton...(or in sweatpants). We had a good meal here too, with a plate of leftovers today, and a few turkey sandwiches in between...ha. Take care, Sheila
Much delightful food for body, mind and soul.
A wonderful weekend for you all.
p.s.: about to enter my 9th year of being married, you may imagine how impressive your words were.
The meal looks delicious!
Your new book sounds so good...I know it will do well!
Those desserts look delicious. I love sweet potatoes but haven't had any in a long time because Gary doesn't care for them and if I were to make them I'd have to eat all of it.
I think the best thing for a couple when they get married is for the in-law's on both sides to mind their own business unless the couple ask for advice. What works well in one marriage may be a disaster in another, no two couples are alike. The couple has to grow together without interference from others.
Personally, I don't feel young couples need a mentor, they need space, without that space they are only being held back from becoming one. I know a couple who was mentors to engaged couples before their wedding day and believe me it was all wrong. While mentoring these young couples and acting like a happily married couple the truth was behind closed doors in their own home this man was abusing his wife. I saw those bruises with my own eyes after she got out of the hospital from one of his beatings. I think mentors probably cause more problems for a couple than any good that could come from it. I know I wouldn't have wanted someone sticking their nose in our marriage and telling us how we should or shouldn't do this or that.
And about that toilet paper, it rolls over not under, hahahaha. Heck I didn't have to worry about that Gary didn't even know where I kept the packages of toilet paper for years. The first time he put a roll on he put it under I let him know it went over, hahahaha. Every now and then he'll put it under just to see what I'll say, lol.
It is sad when a spouse passes away the spouse remaining feels lost for years without the love of their life. I've always told Gary I hope I go first, not that I want to go anytime soon but I love him and wouldn't want to live my life without him.
Love & Hugs
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