We have been blessed this trip to NC with several visits from our son#1 Jack. He brings along his son Steve who is waiting around to work and save enough money to go back to school for one more semester. Now I am not sure if it is quarters or semesters, I just call them semesters. Anyway he will be getting his degree once he saves up the money. He is brilliant, and is majoring in music.
What does a music major do? Got me, I assume, teach. Of course his number one goal is to be an educated rock star. I personally hope he makes it.
Steve’s twin brother works for a software company. He came by for a few minutes, and I was shocked, his hair was cut and he was clean shaven.

Matt (Our graduating Grandson), missed his notice of school pictures so he did not get any, it is his senior year so we wanted him to have some. I took his school ID and blew it up. it was very grainy as anythng above a wallet size.
It was a good picture in his Tux. So then we shot a picture just after Reececup had cut his hair.
Then took a new picture of him, and slid the face onto the earlier one with the tux . Results. Sherry was not happy with the hair.
Mark is working at a lot of small jobs while he builds one beautiful garage apartment. There is not a lot on the horizon for builders. There is not unemployment pay for the self employed.
Oh, Rose (from Roses are Read) had her son down a week or so ago and said she was filling him with ‘Mama’s cooking.’ Sherry has a couple dishes the kids always loved. So she has done the same while we visit here. We have Sherry’s famous Chicken a la King, and once, her famous Lasagna. One of our staple meals consists of: Cornbread, pintos, cabbage and salmon patties.
Thanks for stopping by the log to waste your time on my rambling.
Nite Shipslog
Andy Rooney on women over 50:
A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.

Then took a new picture of him, and slid the face onto the earlier one with the tux . Results. Sherry was not happy with the hair.
Mark is working at a lot of small jobs while he builds one beautiful garage apartment. There is not a lot on the horizon for builders. There is not unemployment pay for the self employed.
Oh, Rose (from Roses are Read) had her son down a week or so ago and said she was filling him with ‘Mama’s cooking.’ Sherry has a couple dishes the kids always loved. So she has done the same while we visit here. We have Sherry’s famous Chicken a la King, and once, her famous Lasagna. One of our staple meals consists of: Cornbread, pintos, cabbage and salmon patties.
Thanks for stopping by the log to waste your time on my rambling.
Nite Shipslog
Andy Rooney on women over 50:
A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 50 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting.
I appreciate you coming by the log.
I appreciate you coming by the log.
I've been like that woman over 50 since I was 25...LOL...men didn't always appreciate it.
Nice looking grandsons you have there. Girlfriend ain't bad either.
Your Grandsons are good looking young men ~ Ally x
You did a terrific job of switching those faces in the photo. Both are gandsons are handsome young men. Probably took their ways after their grandad. I think I could handle Sherry's staple meal. Sounds good. Helen
I like your cropping of the pictures! very nicely done!! very nice handsome looking young men and the bride to be is gorgeous!!
enjoy your 6th Saturday tomorrow :)
Great analogy, Jack. Isn't it great when life is a weekend.....
Nice photos! Got good-looking grandsons. (talk about genes)..^^
Such handsome grandsons...and another talent revealed...photo fixin'...but you have got to quit talking about Sherry's chcken al a king if you are not going to print the recipe. The only kind I've had is out of a can.
Have a great weekend, Sheila
Very handsome grandsons and very pretty girlfiend.Yeagh Jack I am trying to figure it out, Is it better when life is a weekend.
By the way , at OUR??? advanced age we better enjoy every day friday or not. OOps I didn't mean you are at an advanced age.
Nothing better than Mama's cooking for the family! It does a mother proud to cook for her children.
I understand that your week consists of 6 Saturdays and one Sunday! Quite similar to mine except my week is 7 Sundays! LOL
Jimmy Sullivan said it best "Isn't it great when life is a weekend".....
Great photos of the kids! Good looking boys!
Hugs, Rose
Hi Jack and Sherry...cropping pictures...placing new faces in fancy clothes?? wow...I never knew you had such talent Jack...did you Sherry...and the new hair style isn't bad...quite nice really...LOL..and to be honest I have always found I can find something to do if I am not interested in what hubby wants or is doing!!! there is a big world out there...busy one too...lots going on!!! God Bless...hugs...Ora
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