Okay Fred, huuurmph! Bishop Brannen!!!! If we can get on the road, we will start our day. (Don't you just hate it when folks get mushy), we are just taking him for part of the day Frances, turn him loose!
We got on the road, Fred drove (he was worried about my driving after my episode up in Tellico Plains). He is well known around here and doesn't want to tarnish a stellar reputation.
We arrive at the hunter's cabin after a beautiful ride over mountains on mostly one lane roads. Way back into the Forest we came upon a place called 'Pumzika Acres'. That is a word from an African Dialect meaning 'You Rest'. The word came to him in as religious experience, in a dream, during a rough time in Africa. It was before he knew any of the African language. He speaks Swahili pretty good now.
We built a fire, and Fred made coffee. To Sherry and I, there is nothing like coffee, and the smell of a camp fire. Fred also enjoys it, and we had some long talks. WE were so interested in his and Frances' lives since they were our neighbors over 50 years ago. We were engrossed in their experiences in Guyana then in Kenya, then the most of Africa where he became the Overseer.
WE were happy to know they knew folks from Guyana we knew.
This creek runs just infront of the cabin and is so restful. Clear and beautiful.
Fred and I finishing the coffee, but not the conversations.
Inside Fred put on chicken to fry and biscuits to bake. Chicken and biscuits in the heart of the mountains, HARD TO BEAT (Oh yes, and Molasses and butter to go with the biscuits also!)
Sherry and Fred washed dishes (I did take the frying pan outside and wash it by the creek).

Out on the porch, along with our talks and history lesson, Fred played the guitar and sung some. We joined in on the religious ones we knew, like ,"Folsum Prison Blues!". hahahahahaha!
Closing up shop to reluctantly to head back to civilization, Sherry snapped this one of two OLD Friends.
We spotted these three deer before we left the forest. I love seeing the larger animals, I never tire of it. (Maybe if I was Dar and Mel with Black Bears in my yard I may think different!!!)
WE were happy to know they knew folks from Guyana we knew.
Out on the porch, along with our talks and history lesson, Fred played the guitar and sung some. We joined in on the religious ones we knew, like ,"Folsum Prison Blues!". hahahahahaha!
Fred took us the longer way back to show us parts of some beautiful creeks, campsites and swimming holes. (There were actually some kids in swimming in the Hiawassee River!)
We spotted these three deer before we left the forest. I love seeing the larger animals, I never tire of it. (Maybe if I was Dar and Mel with Black Bears in my yard I may think different!!!)
We returned to Cleveland, Tennessee. We were greeted by a smiling Frances. (Yeah, the old folk smooched again, embarrassing to say the least. Makes a guy wonder how they acted after a month's separation!)
It was a Great day, Thanks Frances, for loaning us Fred for the day.
And thank you for coming by the log.
Nite Shipslog,
And they ask---Why I Like Retirement?
Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree?
Answer : If you cut classes, no one can call your parents.
Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn't miss work, but misses the people he used to work with?
Answer: He is too polite to tell the whole truth.
What a great way to spend the day. You and Sherry looked fine, in spite of your earlier incident... :) Have a Happy Easter! Sheila
waaaaaaaaaaaa,i was delighted to read this post jack....i got inlove how fred and frances kissed each other(looks so sweet and i remember my ex-fred too,sigh*) you too looks like enjoying so much and i wish i can have a chance to visit on a forest like that...i would love to play on that creek,touch the water and paly the guitar,spend the night with aa bonfire with someone so dear oh you made me dream on this post....
have a blessed saturday you and sherry and regards to fred and frances...
Great post, Jack! I love the outdoors and especially the smell of a campfire.
I haven't been to Tennessee in years but I used to frequent a little town called Johnson City just out side of Bristol.
Happy Easter to you and Sherry!
(Folsom Prison Blues...lol)
Great post Jack. I would have traded places with you in a heartbeat. Have a Happy Easter Jack and Sherry and live every day to its fullest.
Sounds like a wonderful peaceful day. How nice he took a day to spend and show you a good time.
That is a friend. I know you had fun talking
about old times. Welcome back to civilization.
Guess life can't get better than this. What a brilliant proof that you seem to live indeed in a great place, country.
Wishing you all a blessed Easter Sunday.
Man, You guys...let's go camping the old way. I miss it, I miss it, and that campfire, a little hillbilly pickin' and grinnin', who could ask for more. Mel and I and our hubbies and kids used to take off every weekend possible and cook over an open fire, never letting it go out, camp coffee, flapjacks on the griddle with some of that homemade Maple syrup,yum, steaks and bakes over an open fire, I could go on and on of our appetizers, but then I wouldn't have time to tell you about the swimming, hiking, layin' around and being lazy, poker tournaments, horseshoes and fishing, wild berry picking and shrimp frys. We'd end each trip with Stone Soup...everything we had left in the icebox to make our last meal....see what you started...LET'S CAMP
I'm with Lucy, I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat. Thanks for taking me along on your day with Fred. I sure enjoyed it.
You Tickled My Heart
Bless Your Easter Sunday as we Remember
One Problem Jack and Sherry ... The day was too short! Thank you both for making my day. I'm so glad you are here with us!
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