This trip is short a couple hundred miles, but a beautiful drive. I snapped this picture for two reasons, I am starting to see more birch, and the lovely lake. We drove by so many lakes.
Another of the many lakes, why shoot it? because it was so pretty, all lakes along here are nice.
The roads were good and mostly lined with wild flowers. Some folks say a drive like this is boring. I never see enough wild flowers or trees. Of course in the desert I never see enough desert. I just love the drive.
To answer the question from 'Y', about shooting pictures while driving. I very seldom take my eyes off the road. I hold the camera up and balance it against my cheek and point it where I think the shot is and snap. I never look at the display or peep hole. Yeah, I delete a lot of them. hahahahaha! I got Sherry to shoot this church, it just struck a cord. I love the impression it made.
Both sides of the road lined with wild flowers and beautiful pines and cedars.
Sherry caught the Wisconsin sign as we crossed. I had just squeezed this bus thru some narrow city streets, right down main too.
One Wisconsin community had some beautifully kept old houses. Every one had just painted their house and cut their grass, it was neat.
Whoa, we are at Park Falls. Bill, Dar's husband, works here as a super in the paper mill. Bill is a great guy, he even has a Blue New Holland tractor with a loader.
We are in Hines City Park, Park Falls, WI. This is home for a few days. Quick call Dar and tell her we are here.
This is Mel and Sarah, we were about to bust our buttons with these great folks coming to welcome us to Park Falls. (Sarah is really smiling, she is getting married in a few days.)
And there is Dar, with her grand love Syrus! This was all such a joy to us. Syrus and I hit it off he and I like magic and entertained each other. Sy is 7.(Don't you just love that name, Sy!)
Bill didn't get to talk much, but he laughed a lot. It was all so much fun. This was such a joy and thrill for us to finally meet these wonderful folk.
Getting ready to say good night outside the coach, the whole crew minus my love, who was taking the picture.
I just want to say this is one of the things that makes this way of life of ours so rewarding. Our lives are made richer by these folk who talk a little different. Now I know we have an accent, southerners are known for murdering the English language. BUT New Englanders and now folks from upper Wisconsin excite what little hearing I have. I don't understand it all, but I could listen to the different inflections and accents for hours. It will be like Christmas tonight, it will be hard to go to sleep. Our day was GREAT!
WE had a wonderful trip, the roads were good with very little traffic. Oh, and we got gifts! Dar brought cake and Mel brought home made jelly and the neatest holder. Pictures later.
Dar, Sherry and Cy left Bill and I alone. I enjoyed the conversation so much. He is a man of the woods. They live off the meat from the forest. I enjoyed the tales, the old boy knows a lot of stuff!!!!.
Dar promised I could play on his tractor, but Bill didn't say so! hahahahaha!
I could go on for longer, but I will quit for tonight.
Nite Shipslog
We have met some wonderful bloggers. Debbie (and Gary), Terri, Ora and Mixon. They made our days in Kentucky. Then we ran into the Blue Ridge Boomer (LInda May) up in the mountains, another joy. Of course we knew Fred & FRances in Tennessee, but it was great to renew their acquaintence. WE also met 'Y' (Yvette), who with her husband were displaced by Katrina. We see all their pictures pop up on our screen saver. Now we have more to pop up and more memories to savor. LIFE IS GOOD!
Looks like you all had such a good time and the area is so pretty.
Jack and Sherry,
I understand about Christmas....we kept waking and talking last night about what a wonderful world meeting folks that was like ' catching up ' with old friends we hadn't seen in a while. Bill and I loved meeting you two darlin's. And Syrus, he was beside himself. He kept talking about how Magic Jack taught him some pretty neat tricks and that now he has two new friends. Thank you so much for giving him a special evening to remember for the rest of his life. He will never forget ' Magic Jack.' Then, he turns to me and says, "Sherry sure is a nice lady. I love her." He could barely wait for his Daddy to get up for work, to tell him all about his evening.
We can't wait to get together again. I'm nervous for today, but know that Bill's appt. will be fine. He's doing OK. Like you said, Sherry, I'd rather loose my hearing than my sight also.
Will call you when we get back.
What beautiful people. I am so glad you got
to meet more of your bloggers. I am glad you
got to show Syrus some Magic Tricks. Jack
you can never give up your entertaining that
started when you were young. Story telling
and magic tricks. What a talent.
Thanks for "introducing" me to Dar. I enjoy her comments on my blog. Richard (from MA)says that people from the Boston area have no accents, but the farther you get from there the more accents people have. I say we may all speak American, but it sure ain't really English.
What great times! Of course you and Sherry make new friends wherever you go. I'm just thankful to share your excitement and joyful adventures through this ships log! Have a great time out there!
What a great visit. I loved seeing all the happy SMILES there!
Oh, I got so excited for all of you reading this entry and looking at the pictures. I remember how exciting it was when we hopped outta our vehicles and gave each other a hug for the first time and how the conversation flowed like we'd known each other all our lives. It was wonderful and I can tell by looking at the pictures that Dar & Mel and their families felt as comfortable with you & Sherry as we did. Have fun everyone! I can't wait to hear more about it. Was the cake chocolate? HAHAHAHA!
Love ya
Jack and Sherry ~ I just can't express how happy I am that you finally got to meet me!!!
(and the rest of them relatives of mine)
Seriously, you are two little sweethearts and it has been so much fun getting to know you outside of blogger land.
Mom too ~ was very happy to make your acquaintance and I was happy to be able to introduce you. Now that you've met and visited I think it gives more understanding of what our heritage was like ... and why I'm so pleasantly plumped ... being number 7 out of 9 in the family ... you had to fight for your viddles and clean off that plate to get dessert. It wasn't easy being on the bottom of the totem pole ... but you know me ... I'm the scrapper.
Looking forward already to our next encounter! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! or YA'll as you would put it.
2 more days and I'll have your English accent straightened out. lol
Hey Jack and Sherry! I've read your last few exciting! So glad you have got to meet more of your blogging friends... I will never forget when we met ya'll last year...memories to last a lifetime! I really enjoyed all the pictures(you made me laugh at the many you have to delete after taking them while driving..haha)
Love ya'll and think of ya'll often!
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