Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lost Words

Okay, I was surprised about the ‘counterpin’. When you have heard something all your life, you think everyone else has. When I started traveling from Gaston County, NC I learned that some English was not my English. Down east I learned the saying “That is some kind of good” indicating a delicious food.
(Bryce Canyon, Utah  does that look cool, I guess we are headed toward cool in a couple months.  That reminds me of a Utah saying I learned from the grand kids: Oh my heck!  I had never heard that before!)

My mama could cook about anything, but as I look back she NEVER made spaghetti. If we kids had to make our own supper there was always a can of Chef-boy-Ardee Spaghetti and meat balls. I loved it, but mama never made it from scratch. I guess that is why I liked Military ‘C’ Rations spaghetti and meat sauce. And the boys from an Italian background could not understand it. LOL.

Okay let me try a couple more from my life on you:
Tow sack: burlap bag
Tow head:  Blond headed kids.
Pot Liquor: Cabbage and/or bean juice
I’m Fixing to:   you are getting ready to ‘do something’ i.e. I’m fixing to leave.
Whip something up:  My mama saying she "She is 'fixing to' prepare a fast meal.'

Those were words disappearing from my life.  I looked up some more that I had never heard of from different areas of the country.
Are you familiar with this slang:

Bat-hyde…… (dollar bill?)
Dropped egg…..Poached egg?
Skillpot….. A turtle?
A Whistle Pig……..Ground hog/wood chuck
Fogo………..Something stinks
To bag school……  Play hooky?

I am just curious if any of you are familiar with those?  Or what words are you starting to miss?
BTW, I really did/do enjoy your comments. I get a kick out of 'em.

Nite Shipslog

PS: Note on my appointment today. It was about what is available to match the implants, and also how to use the things I already have, more efficiently.  I am anxious to try out the phone. Maybe tomorrow, I am TOOOOO full of information, gotta let it be absorbed.  I think I know what information overload is.  hahahahaha


jack69 said...

i got a kick out of Lisa mentioning 'Step-ins' and 'britches'. Growing up my sister wore 'step-ins' and I wore underwear. I had to step into mine too. lol

Back Porch Writer said...

I don't know any of those words either. lol
My Nanny used to call the couch "the Davenport".
I was like, "go sit on the what?" I never heard any one else call it that so I guess that is a lost word. That is the only one I can think of. I guess the rest are lost and can't be found.

Lisa said...

Heard of all those but none of the "slang" ones you mentioned. I remember mom used to make SOS but we wern't allowed to call it that. Haha.


betty said...

The only one in your list I heard of was tow head for a blond child. How funny with expressions we think will be around for a long time and then they seem to fade away.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I knew or had heard about half of those expressions. It would be wonderful for you to be able to talk on the phone. Good luck on your appointments!

Mevely317 said...

Tow-head, yes.
And (shucks!), I'm 'fixin to' is still a part of my everyday vocabulary.
The rest are a mystery!

Hope y'all are enjoying a restful day!

shirl72 said...

I remember potato couch one who watch TV all day. Shut the door was you raised in a barn. I sure there was more but can't think of them. They were all funny.

Yaya Snaps said...

I'm familiar with all the sayings in your first list, the only thing I'd add to pot liquor is that in our household any juice cooked off of greens ie: collard greens, kale, turnip greens, etc. was called "pot liquor and my Daddy loved it, so my Mom always saved it for him. I wasn't familiar with any of the sayings in the second list. One of my favorite sayings of the south (beside y'all) was "much obliged" as in, I've done something nice for you and you say, "much obliged." My Mom was the daughter of a preachers daughter and she had a whole bunch of sayings with a biblical twist...such as "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" or I can't "make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." I got that second one a lot...I finally figured out that I was the sow's ear that would never be a silk purse. I've lived away from the south I grew up in and I've lost the use of some of these regional idioms. Sad because some of them were quite colorful and interesting.

Rick Watson said...

I've said most of these things but a few were new to me.

salemslot9 said...

today on "Matlock"
he said
"Mmmm mmm, do you know what
the old folks used to say?
Thems sum eats"

2023 said...

Years ago when a friend of mine moved to NC & her boys started saying "We're fixin' to"... it took her a bit to know what they were talking about. She didn't like it. They were young & she felt they were learning the wrong way to speak.

I miss certain sayings but only because I miss the people who used to say them more.