Historical Photo:
Shirl made a complete set of Christmons. (I had never even heard of them) but evidently they are big in some churches. This is Shirl and hubby Jim with a display at Charlotte's Commonwealth Methodist Church.
A joke:
Women are suspicious at times.
In the beginning even, Adam stayed out late some nights and enjoyed quiet alone. But that made Eve upset.
“You’re running around with other women,” she told her mate.
“Eve, honey, you’re being unreasonable,” Adam responded. “You know you’re the only woman on earth.”
The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep only to be awakened by a strange pain in the chest. It was his darling Eve poking him rather vigorously about the torso.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Adam demanded.
“Counting your ribs!” said Eve.
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It might be corny, but I laughed at that one.
On the computer:
Now incidents of life. I depend on my ‘contacts’ to address my e-mails. i.e. at the address line I start the name ‘be’ for Ben and his e-mail address pops up. Imagine my surprise when I typed ‘BE’ and nothing happened. I tried again. Nada. I clicked on contacts and received the message: ‘There are no contacts in your address book’.
I tried to recover the list and had no success. So I started the old fashioned way, adding one at a time as I received or sent e-mails.
In the back yard:
I did a no-no yesterday in our back yard, I burned 8 worn wicker chairs. One reason, on our daily walks we pass a pile of wicker the city has ignored on the side of the street, so I figured a faster way to get rid of them. (OUCH)
In the house:
I have mentioned we are behind a home I built for us a few years ago (22 yrs. I think). We loved this house but decided to sell when we moved into the motorhome. We turned it over to a realtor and it did not sell. It is 2800 feet including the basement BUT I built for us and it is only two bedrooms. While taking care of Shirl I noticed some loud squeaks have developed under the carpet. So I am working to stop those.
Out of the blue:
Yesterday evening we were visited by Jack Fulbright, we are not kin but I am kin to people he is kin to. It is not as complicated as that old song, “I’m my own grandpa.”
Jack is a great musician. He played some for us on the piano. I knew him as a sax player, but he plays many instruments. He was curious about our plans for Shirl’s music books and sheet music.
I had looked thru the music and most of it was dated so our grands would not be interested. We are intrigued with the many stories of sister Shirl. Jack added a few. She was indeed unique. She lived out one of her dreams, she did sing professionally locally and was very well received. All the band members have praised her to high heavens.
More later.....