I have it and am now ready to fish. I am waiting for a big one to hit.
Nothing biting here, thought I would row, row, row the boat to another fishing spot.
We plan to have a great time in this little thing, fishing!
Thanks for coming by the log,
Nite Shipslog,
Actual questions and answers from kids, (from Evelyn):
How do you decide who you are going to marry?
-No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.
-- Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.--
---Camille, age 10
I cannot believe this boat that unfolds. You got
more nerve that me to put it in the water.
Let me know when you take it to the water. I will keep 911 and the search party numbers handy. Please don't overload it with fish or you and Sherry may be swimming and the fish
steering the boat.
It is not enough to know how to build a boat, one has to hold also the desire for life, something that certainly belongs to you.
A wonderful start into the new week for you two and always two hands full of water beneath the keel.
Now that boat is the neatest thing but I don't know if you would catch me in one. I'm not much of a boat person. One time Mel bought an old wooden one. I think we took it out once or twice and then it sat and sat and sat until it rotted. I finally talked him into letting me chop it up.
Who would have thought that little flat piece could turn into a boat. Be careful, we wouldn't want you up the creek without a paddle. Can't wait to see your first mess of fish...Take care, Sheila
that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! I bet you guys will have a blast fishing in it!
Yeah Me!......i knew what it was!!! Some of our campers had one last year and did a demo for the park office girls!!!.....i feel sooooo smart....
That is pretty neat. I have never seen a folding boat before. I hope you enjoy some good fishing out of it. Helen
Fantastic idea! How much does the boat weigh, Jack? Your friend ρομπερτ is right, you have that certain "zest for life" that makes something like this possible! I have a Bass boat with 80hp, live well and fish locator - but it hasn't been in the water for quite a while. Traded a 12ft aluminum v-hull with 9 horse for this one...and at times wish I could swap back. LoL
That looks like a lot of fun!
I LOVE your boat!... and what a handy little contraption it is; especially for someone like the two of you who travel all over the place. See a lake...unfold the boat...and go fishing! How cool is that!! Just don't get too excited in it and pop it's holding pins ~ you'll be doing the belly flop out in the open water.
Me again...ha
It just dawned on me why you got that boat ~ you're preparing for the flood of water coming your way when all our snow melts! Gosh... you're just the smartest!! Are we related???
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