Monday, July 1, 2024

Bananas and Trees, NOT Banana Trees

 Pic of the day:


Beside the AT in New Hampshire

 For today…

This arm still wants to hurt. I quit protecting it too soon, so now I am paying the price. AND July 4th is almost here!

We are parked just beside the Lake County Fair Grounds. They have a farmer’s market on Thursdays. I needed to move around so I walked over.  The farmers were packing up. I saw some bananas that looked good. 6 for $2. Most were ageing, but these 6 were pretty. The Farmer put them in a bag, then put about 12 more of the more bruised in the sack. I thanked him of course.

When I got back to the RV I am thinking how do I save these? Looking on the net I saw were you could keep  the ones just ripe in the refrigerator.  So I put two in there. We used some for sandwiches (which I do LOVE). We gave Son Mark some. 

Then I saw a place declaring that just putting the bananas in a plastic bag will keep them up to 30 days.  I didn’t believe that, but I'm trying it. The ones in the refer still look good after the 4th day.  The ones in the plastic bag are still good.  I am definitely happy.

Trees? To get trees taken down now, the tree people  now demand ‘Your First Born!’.  Well maybe not, but it is expensive.  We needed 5 or 6 taken down and it does cost a lot. Over $650 a Tree.  OUCH.

But we just received a message that the job is done, we are very glad of that.

So there is some good news, good bananas and downed trees.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thank you all for being here…  Smile life is better for me (on the road) even with a few pains…. LOL



Susan Kane said...

Take care of your arm! Listen to it, not your brain!

We like our bananas a little on the green side. I was planning to make banana loaf, but hasn't happened.

Mevely317 said...

I love farmer's markets, but the onl.y thing I know about bananas is what time to buy before making nut bread.
Tom's watching the weather... already talking about biting the bullet and having some of these surrounding big trees taken down.
Good to hear from y'all. 💛

Chatty Crone said...

A win, win situation!