Sunday, July 7, 2024

Getting Old, forces one to think

 Pic of the day;


 On the AT about 20 years ago....  Yeah, I was old then too, they say.  LOL

This is today, and yes I am older than Biden and Trump, but I know I am old, Sherry told me...

  For today…

WE Old people come to realize that Instead of having years ahead to figure things out, we must accept that reality is different from the plans and aspirations we once held. 

 But still I cannot help but ask myself:

1.        Did I fulfill my travel dreams?.  I miss NOT seeing Ireland.

A. But I did see The Mediterranean countries. Part of London, Picadilly Circus and the changing of the guard in London.


2.       Careers, I dreamed of a career in the military and did that. I wanted a career in building, I did that.  Did I do my best in both? Not in the military, I could have advanced more. In building, I think I reached my potential.  I wanted to build a sub-division, started one but dropped it. I think I would have been in over my head.


3.       Many people, they say, become very remorseful, regretting things not done.  What I miss is that single thing of failing to hike the AT in a ‘thru hike’.  I hope I can live with that without being depressed. (I still cannot accept what many folks tell me, ‘Now that is impossible, it has never been done at your age’…)  That little light has not gone completely out…….. YET.

4.       The clock is ticking down, Most of us OLD folk have accomplished something.  BUT honestly it is hard to look at yourself in the mirror and SEE facts, me, “Hoss, most of IT (life) is over. Sit back, read, enjoy the pains and be proud of those Grands that will one day run the world, your time has PAST, dadgummit!”


I know this is depressing, sorry about that, I really don’t mean to be so down, but truthfully, age does this.  If you live long enough you start facing FACTS,  there are two things in life that are REAL, they are DEATH and TAXES….

Nite Shipslog

PS  TRUE STORY:  Billy was successful with his own business. He LOST his wife,  became demented, and is now in a HOME. His son is also a dear friend says, ‘Dad doesn’t know me, but KNOWS I am the one responsible for him being there.’

  The son says, dad would have loved to go for a walk in the woods and never return.  I wish I had a way of letting him do just that.

I think I understand how Billy felt……

PS2 Thank you for being here…  Life is supposed to be better for me (on the road) even with a few pains…. LOL



Mevely317 said...

Oh Jack. Are you a mind reader?
Thank you for expressing the many thoughts travelling through my mind. Only this morning I saw something that looked like a fun (excursion), then all the 'but what about's?' jumped in the way. While visiting with my son yesterday he's talking about early retirement and bucket lists. So much of his life is waiting to be lived, while I'm over here wondering 'What's left?'.

PS - A former blogger used to write of her and her husband's last trip -- what they called, the 'Last Hurrah!' Not gonna lie, that sounds tempting.

Susan Kane said...

Only women cam read minds. they have had so much practice.

Looking at the message here, I am right there with you. I never joined the military, But we owned and ran a hotel in Ireland. Go to Ireland, Jack! Your senses need to see such beauty.

Chatty Crone said...

Haha I understand you too. When you get older - you think in terms of what will I see in my time left - to what I saw when I was younger.

For example - when I was 50 I figured I would see my grandsons grow up. Now when I think of my great grands - I wonder how long I will be around to see them.

That is just an example - but I think of what time is left and what I will be able to do.

Don't know if people get that or not - the 'young ins' do not! lol

HappyK said...

Only our bodies die though. Our souls go on forever. :) When I die I'm counting on a great reunion with other believers in heaven!!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wishing you well and many years of happiness and good health.

God bless.

Susie said...

Jack, I think your military life was outstanding. How many fellows served in so many branches? You have met and enjoyed so many people. Done lots of fun interesting things...seems to me. Built homes, wonderful for you and your families. I have been thinking about my life lately. I think I did well for the way it all started. But then I thought, if I could have lived it differently what would I have done. I would have loved to have been a pilot. I did have a couple flying lessons. I have always loved planes, helicopters, and space. All that fascinates me. Maybe in my next life. Please don't feel sad. Hold onto your sweetheart, get those hugs from kids. Join friends for coffee once in awhile. Laugh every chance you get. Don't stop dreaming ever. Blessings dear friend. xoxo, Susie