Sunday, September 29, 2024

Some of our Gypsy life

 Pic of the day;


 For today:

For many years we would drive 300-400 miles. Sherry would look in our travel books for an RV park. WE haven’t always had cell phones as you know. We would follow directions and fine the park. Most parks have weekly rates much cheaper that daily rates.  WE liked to take a week to travel the area to see the sites available. We also looked for that ‘local eating place’ with good prices and good local food.  We enjoyed it and met some wonderful folk.  Since we are church goers, it was so good to visit many different denominations and styles of worshsip.

Once in Gila Bend, AZ the pastor spent his morning sermon time chewing out his two boys and telling the congregation how mean they were. I do not remember him using a scripture. :-O

Most services and music was very good. BUT another unique thing was at a small church in the J-ville Florida, I think. The elderly pastor was preaching, and I noticed he nodded his head to a lady (his wife I learned). She stood went to the pulpit and continued the sermon and he walked out.  He returned later and took over to finish. I found out from one of the men attending the pastor had to go the bathroom.

I was amused as we crossed the country once during the rise of ‘Praise Teams’.  During that organizing time congregants did not know when to stand or sit.  I once heard a leader say, “Can’t you stand 30 minutes for our Lord?”  I thought, “YES If I felt that is what HE wanted!” otherwise I thought it was like the Pharisee's in scripture who said if God said you can walk a mile on the sabbath, let's go one better and limit ourselves to ½ mile.

Away from the churches, most of which we attended were a blessing and we were treated great.

Chatty asked, as we have been asked many times, how we get our mail on the road?  There are many mail services, ours is in Florida. WE have that listed as our mailing address. They hold our mail until we come and get it if we are in the area, or we call for it. It is a normal practice to have it sent ‘General Delivery’ to a small town near where we plan to be in 3 days.

I somehow picked too many pictures. I only wanted the above. But I cannot delete these or they will be deleted thruout my files. OUCH
These buildings are in Dawson City where they were on frozen land. Thaw messed the  up.
This is the sign forest in Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada, travelers leave their names etc.
Entering the /Top of the World Highway...
The only time our RV has ever been on a Ferry was crossin the Yukon River
Dick and I fishing on the Kenai, in Alaska
Salmon Fishers in Valdez methinks.

Our traveling partners, my sister Kat and Dick her hubby. boon docking (NO hook ups, just wild country)

Having it sent to a small town makes it easy to find and has given us so many wonderful experiences talking to the Mail Personnel.  One Mail Room was in a living room in Alaska. At the time we went they were closed while the family enjoyed their Lunch, then we picked up our mail. Most of our regular bills are drafted, some I pay online.

Nite Shipslog


LOL  Thanks for all the comments, you guys enhance our lives. I do appreciate the FRIENDS I have here on-line. If you have any questions about this life, I will be glad to try and answer.

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