Monday, September 30, 2024

On the Road (again) and remembering

 Pic of the day;

 I mentioned the military paid in cash in the 1950s. The pay master came to the barracks and paid us. I am bending over tosign for my pay, Pvt Randolf is taking his.

WE also scrubbed our clothes, no washing machines. Dallas will remember this.

 For today:

WE are headed South, we want to check our home in NC before we continue to Florida. I have a smile on my face and a great memory added to my head of this visit. What a thrill to see the couple we knew as friends when he and I were corporals in the corps. Weeks before our marriages we sat on our bunks and talked about our girls.  We both were sure ours was the best and prettiest. (Of course mine was) Marion, his girl did come in a very close second (in my mind of course) once we met.

 They have a big family  3 boys 2 girls. We have the two boys. We interrupted their schedule I am sure.  We did something we had never done before, they invited us to attend church last Sunday and we did. WE attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Dover, PA.

We were blessed in Sunday School by a very good OLD teacher. I heard a couple SOLID statements I had to record and hold for later.  The worship service was also a blessing. Due to my hearing, I normally do not care for singing, but their pastor is a great singer and minister. Before service the pastor took time to greet and speck to us.

I have talked about Dallas. Picture is from a few years ago on a visit he was raising turkeys for a living but playing with Blood Hounds as a hobby. the Black is him about now, the dude did get old. I look the same. LOL

 It was all good. We had lunch together and parted after a super time of fellowship.  We may never see them again, but they definitely are in our hearts, wrapped in love.

This trip also put a scar on my heart.  Seeing a man who was once my boss, a solid steady leader. He was the kind of leader his troops appreciated and respected. He was a solid family man also. We were friends with his family in Key West. Dan accepted a commission and was an officer in the USN, but in the end reverted back to his rank as master chief and retired. We saw him and his lovely wife a few years ago. She had dementia and was growing worse.

I did not know but Dan took a bad fall and almost died. He was a shell of the man he once was, but was determined to recover. He still walks with a walker and visits his sweet wife every day even though she does not know him.  He is that kind of husband that would do that. Our prayers for my friend is that he will recover his strength, his family stands solid behind him, we are proud of that.

Nite Shipslog


Thanks for all the comments and visits here. It gives a boost to my life, I appreciate that.


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