Sunday, January 26, 2025

Fewer Readers, and that is a shame.










For today:

There are still many good writers out there; but in my opinion less readers.  With the advent of the cell phones, tablets and internet we have more ‘viewers’ in the world than actual readers.

Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy movies, but I have never, as I remember, watched a rented movie or signed up to view movies on my TV, phone or tablet.  I understand you can see them on several media devices.

We have family that subscribes to HULU and things like that.

I read at least a book a week myself. As a matter of fact, I just finished Mr. Victor Moubarak’s latest book, The Bitten Apple Connection. It is a very good book; you will not WASTE your time if you read it.

I joke with my friend Victor that he missed his calling he should have been a priest. I think as you read his books you might just agree with me. Ministers, church elders, priests and other leaders are asked for advice and counseling. Father Ignatius, Victor’s creation, gives some of the best advice I have ever read, very serious here, As a matter of fact in this book I accepted some to the good Father’s advice to my own heart in one or two incidents.

I must say though, that he barely got the Good Father out of the “Bitten Apple” with his honor, when he accidentally ended up with a half-naked lady in a room.

Anyway, back to the subject, I believe the more you read the more well-rounded you become; and hopefully the less likely to experience dementia early (at least that is my hope).

I applaud the wonderful, good points of our ‘CELL phones’. Some of you may remember doing research in a library on school projects.  Now you can just google the information.

Traveling, all I have to do is ask for the best route to a destination and have it immediately. My sons laugh at me for still using the dash GPS, “Use your phone, it is better and quicker!”

They are probably right, but you have heard of that “Old Dogs and new tricks thingee!” That is me on a half shell! (Or in a nutshell!)

Smile, Life can be BETTER, You can Pray and Think positive. Doing both will help.


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for reading this stuff. It is a little prideful, but I smile when you take the time to stop by and read..;-) Both of you!!!!! ;-) again    ;-)


Chatty Crone said...

Praying and thinking positively will go a long way to being happy. I love how you read a book a week. It is becoming a lost art. I am not even reading as much as I should - just so busy. Victor's book sounds great.

Anonymous said...

I don’t often comment but I always enjoy your post. Nice weather in Lake Wylie today.

Lisa said...

Being dyslexic, my brain can only handle small reads to understand.
We just got Netflix and though Nick is not a big movie watcher, I have gotten where I like to watch movies on Sunday afternoons while he works.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

First of all; thank you so much for your very generous and kind comments about my latest book "The Bitten Apple Connection". You're so kind to me. Much appreciated. It's true, a priest should not be in a room solo with a half-naked woman but then ... ... ...

It's true and sad that people do not read any more as they used to. I have experience of the teaching profession and lack of reading is affecting future generations. Everyone wants something instant these days - no time to wait. Instant information on cellphones and tablets, instant coffee, instant food, instant entertainment and instant this and that. My grandfather worked in a science lab. He was fired from his hob for inventing instant laxative ... and testing it on the nurses.

God bless, Jack. Keep smiling.

Mevely317 said...

How right you are! Tom and I are most comfortable in our little 'same ol' rut' but I have to admit, social media distractions often interfere with my ability to focus on a book. Speaking of which, I'm about to read Victor's latest as soon as I finish the one I'm on.

PS - Have you ever noticed, if a FB post takes longer than 30-seconds to read, it's usually ignored?