For today:
I read where one famous Billlionaire made a list of things middle class
Americans waste their money on. I smile thinking of somethings WE humans do
I am a cheap skate (some would say) but I cannot imagine paying someone to
cut my grass as long as I
am able to do it. To me that is
exercise I NEED!
Me pay for an expensive CAR wash?
Yeah, I know, it is now ‘Detailing’. I would be so upset if I paid, $50
to $100 for having my car ‘detailed’ Then drive in the dust or on a rainy
interstate being passed by 18 wheelers covering my car with road dirt.
I have spent $2 to wash the car at a coin car wash, several times to clean
the mud off! LOL
As a matter of fact I just washed and cleaned 2 cars yesterday. Both left
out in a carport. You may not know it
but Florida is one dirty state. Today both cars are covered with this black
dust or sand from the constant wind.
Many people will join a fitness center and exercise. That entails walking
on a tread mill at times. Then we all go
to a shopping center and drive around looking for the closest parking place to
the front door. To avoid walking, LOL.
I remember when Sherry bought a dozen diapers to take to a Baby
Shower. Now it is a dozen disposable
ones. Can’t people remember how much fun
and exercise you got washing diapers and hanging them out to dry in the cold
weather? And how much money you saved? Well maybe that isn’t a good
point, huh?...... LOL :-O
Do I really need another shirt or pair of pants, when I don’t wear all the
ones I have. LOL
Have you noticed the huge buildings built just for storage of STUFF WE THE
PEOPLE no longer have room for? I know of people (me?) who store things they will
NEVER use or see again. One lady I know of was paying $100 a month 20 years ago
to store stuff she just could not part with?
I smiled at Chatty who came up with something to do for Lent. She plans to
dispose of one thing a day during that time.
I would bet that at least 50% of home car garages have STUFF in them
instead of the auto.
I didn’t mention the $1,000+ toys men buy for the weekends
Do girls have expensive toys?
Nite Shipslog
Thanks for reading this stuff. It is a little
prideful, but I smile when you take the time to stop by and read..;-)
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