Sunday, February 2, 2025

It is "THAT TIME" again!!








Yep, here in the USA it is time for us to pay up for living in this great country. Tax Time!

I started in 1956 filling out my tax forms when it took about ten minutes.  That was called the short form and it was simply an IBM card with fill in the blocks spaces. No problem. Of course my W-2 form showed I had made about $700 that year.

The card was something like this:


                (Of course, it wasn't that simple, but close.)

When I went into business my brother who was the rich guy asked me who did my books. Of course, my answer was ME!. “You can’t do that jack, you need a bookkeeper.”

So I found Marvin Hand. He agreed to do my books for $80 a month and that included doing our tax filing. And I did start paying less tax… I was okay with that, but I felt funny at the end of the year just signing the 1040s and schedules.  I didn’t even read what was filed, after all, Marvin was the Pro.

Well old Marvin had the audacity to die. Nah, I liked Marvin and I did miss him. But life goes on and a fellow named Pace bought the business and continued. Tax time came, WOW my tax went UP! I had a talk with young Mr. Pace. “I have never paid this much tax, I will find another book-keeper.”

Mr. Pace smiled, “About how much did you spend on land development last year Mr. Darnell?”

“Between 30 or 40 thousand I guess.”

“Marvin recorded $200,000.”  He went on to tell me more about my previous forms. SHOCKED would be mild, to how I felt. Marvin had been lying on my taxes for years.  I still do not know, nor understand WHY he did that, it didn’t put any money in his pockets!

So I continued with Mr. Pace until I closed the Construction business. LOL  Hoping I did not get audited…. I went back to filing, it isn’t complicated. Son Mark continues with Pace until this day.

It took me a few hours to complete the forms, I could have hired it done . BUT the family knows, I am a cheapskate, BUT Imma going to START spending that 'inheritance', SOON!  LOL


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for reading this stuff. It is a little prideful, but I smile when y'all take the time to stop by and read..;-)

;-) I even smile when I learn I have kin who drop by!



Chatty Crone said...

My husband has always done ours. Good luck. Hope 'they' don't read this. lol

Lisa said...

Mr Pace is my 2nd cousin. He's done ours for years. We have an appointment with him in a couple weeks.

Happy Ground Hogs Day

Mevely317 said...

Some of my favorite workplace memories took place while working at a CPA firm. Most everyone's since passed, but such characters with their 'lucky socks' ... cigar boxes stuffed with receipts ... etc., etc. One of the firm's partners had previously worked as an IRS field agent, so he had an innate sense what would 'fly.'
Even tho' Tom and I are only on SS and no longer obligated to file, I believe CPA's are worth their weight in professional fees.

Anonymous said...

We've been using AARP tax service. It's free and there is no income limit. The preparers are tax people from Liberty (I think) so that's their business. When the preparer finishes, he calls an associate to review the return to make sure of accuracy and if there is a question there's a supervisor who assists.
Very competent.

HappyK said...

Tax time sure comes around fast.
I remember my first time doing taxes. Thought I'd get money back but had to pay more!!