Friday, February 28, 2025



This is a shot from the Bad Lands.  When the pioneers got here, of courst they had to go around... ;-)


I am  free handing this. I will be off for a few days. Things are  busy here in NC.  We have one renter.  She was attacked by another neighbor's dog. She wasn't bitten but the dog jumped on her back and became entangled in her sweater   trying  to get to her little poodle which she was holding.  She is pretty shook up.

I have always enjoyed and got along with my neighbors.  This one, with the PIT mix, I am not sure of.

I have had an overload of repairs that have come my way.  One being a sewer pump,  not a fun one I must say. 

I hope to return in a few days.

The best to all of you that I consider my friends.

Nite Shipslogs,

 another problem is this computer, I cannot see the next line ai am typing.

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