Monday, February 10, 2025


 Picture for today:

  Now for today:

I smiled when I read this comment from ‘Unknown,’ THANKS:


I learned about the Great Depression at Sunday Dinner. My Grandparents never forgot hunger. Their families joined the CCC, WPA and sent money home. Roosevelt's picture was on the Livingroom wall because he saved their farm. The State University sent Extension Service scientists to teach how to make their land more productive. And they blessed the name of 'Government' Why do we want to destroy it?

 FDR crossed the aisle and did save the country.

I became aware of politics in Valdese, NC. A Mountain town with great folks; set in their ways and KNEW which political party they preferred.


At the time Ike was running against Stevenson. The church members would come to church wearing their political buttons,  They even sat on opposite sides of the church, Congregation ran about 125-150. My dad always announced at new churches, “Please do not ask my political opinions, I am the pastor of all and I am what YOU are, Christian.”


There were more Democrats than Republicans, but they all joked and carried on, they were friends and Christians. After his death, I realized I never knew my daddy’s political positions.


Then we moved to Belmont, NC. The Democrats ruled the roost. I was shocked when I learned Sherry’s Daddy (a Republican) admired Democrat, FDR.  


Sherry and I have voted both sides of the aisle.  We have voted differently 2 times that I know of, LOL (She was wrong of course, but I still love her to pieces!) LOL


I was not happy with the choices in our last election. The two running at the first of the campaigns were TOO OLD to run this country for 4 LONG yrs, I still feel that way.  We needed some younger minds in the White House.


Late 70s and 80 year olds should not be making decisions for the country in my opinion. ALSO I think Congress AND the Supreme court, needs either age or term limits.

(Official Betting odds: President Trump's  the age/health factor says he has less than 75% chance of finishing this term.  He has a 33% chance of dying in office, that is AI talking. )  (I had to search what AI meant)


I am old, I know many SMART OLD folks, but none would I want to make complicated decisions that affected life and limb.  How about you? 

***Senility is hidden too many times until toooooo late. Ronald Reagan was a great president, but in his last years things were not right in his head. The same with President Biden, mentally he is past making the BIG Decisions properly. "MO"

 Remember folks, we all have opinions, and I respect yours no matter your views and affiliations. I make the mistake blogging, too many times, by voicing my opinion.


Nite Shipslog

PS: *** There will be times in your life that you, or someone you love will become demented. My mother suffered that in her last years.  Friends would come to visit, when leaving would say, ”Jack your mother isn’t demented, she is sharp as a tack!” I didn’t tell them that she still though daddy was alive, and saw things that were not there, that she thought she fixed breakfast every morning (she was bed fast). You must be around someone 24/7 at times to KNOW!

True dis: I was talking to a friend saying..."At least your dad didn't lose his mind at the end." She laughed, "Jack he was crazy as a bedbug! in the end!"


1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

Interesting you never knew your father's political views.