Friday, January 24, 2025

Jack! The Trailer is moving!


Photo from the Past:


That is our trailer in the back ground. It was 8 ft wide and 42 ft. long, we thought it was a mansion. LOL We towed it with this beautiful 1955 customized Ford. You can barely see him but that is Jack Jr. at the wheel. LOL

So for today:

Sherry and I moved to Kirksville, MO and lived in that area for a few years. I was assigned as computer repairman at a very small Air Force Station.  Very preferred duty. 60-70 man site, mostly technicians. It was a secret back then, long before satellites. The entire USA was covered with USAF Radar and our site had one small section of the mid west.

This is at a trailer park on the gulf coast. I am charcoaling dinner and holding Jack Jr. A little while before heading to CCCOLD North Missouri.

We moved from the Gulf Coast at 80 degrees to Missouri with below zero temps. WE had a trailer, and proud of it at the time. Our rent was less than $100 a month, including utilities. Me, not knowing a thing about winters of below zero, set the mobile home up like I was in the south. Never realized the ground was frozen down about a foot.

It is amazing the difference in weather a short 850 miles north!  LOL

You can imagine Sherry’s shock when she was simply living a normal life in her trailer as she had for a month when it  began to move!  She called me at the Radar Site. “Jack this Trailer is moving!”

My boss let me off to go check things out; about 8 miles home. I arrived, Sherry was calm by then; the movement had stopped. Sherry said she was trying to get our baby JJ to take a nap and suddenly, the trailer started moving.

My neighbor explained the ground had thawed and the trailer settled into the ground.  WE all laughed at “US Southerners” And I re-leveled the trailer.  WE were set for a couple years.

Bad winters, but the rolling hills of North Missouri and postural areas is beautiful.

The folks are some of the best.  We were introduced to Osteopathy, Kirksville is the “Home of Osteopathy.” My opinion: it is a cross of medical and Chiropractic. Maybe YAYA who comments here can clear that up! ;-)

WE thoroughly enjoyed our time in Missouri. We made lifelong friends, wonderful people, salt of the earth. WE learn some things, just by being Gypsies. LOL

You Northerners stay warm, and close the door, you are causing a draft down this way, LOL


Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST!  

PS2: I am reading Victor’s latest book, it is his usual, VERY GOOD. You cannot beat his creation, Father Ignatius, who exhibits great spiritual insight and advice in tough situations.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That move to the cold weather was an eye opener for you! Having lived in Northern Ohio and moving to Texas has been the same for me. I never experienced a trailer moving as the ground thawed in all the time we were camping as we could only do that when it was warm enough to have the water turned on.. Spring, Summer, and fall but no wintering over for us. Keep the good memories coming.

Mevely317 said...

Oh my goodness! I'd have been frightened, too, if the floor under my feet began moving. Once again, you've taught me something I never knew. Mother Nature's still full of surprises, isn't it? Did you see where it snowed at Panama City Beach the other day ... people even made a big snowman!

Chatty Crone said...

I just postage a photo of Alask now - springist and Florida now winterish.
I would have been scared to death too if the home I was in started moving. You have a lot of wonderful stories.

HappyK said...

You have some wonderful memories of your interesting travels.

Lisa said...

I would die living in temps that low. I barely make it through the Winters here in the South where the average lows are in the 30’s. I also go through my inhaler more in the Winter. Never in the summer. I need to move to Florida.