Thursday, February 1, 2024

A sad statement

Photo of the day

 Jim and Barbara Wills in one of the movies Jim starred in.

So for today

I have mentioned my neighbor Jim (James) Arp.  You might have heard of the Jonas Brothers.  They are from Belmont, NC also. If Jim’s time had been now instead of the 50-60s He would have out shinned the Jonas Brothers.

But Jim has lived too long,  his name is not well known around here now. I have mentioned that Jim owns some prime land.  I must be prime it joins ours. LOL.

Jim was losing touch, but the last time I saw him he was still witty and still a sound spokesman.

We came home and one of Jim’s dilapidated homes had been torn down. I asked around and heard that Jim had died and his nephews were tearing the houses down. I searched for Jim’s obit but it was not to be found.  Today one of his nephews was at Jim’s place and I asked, “How is old Jim doing?”

“He is in the hospital; he is falling a lot.” The sentence continued sorta disgusted, “He will be 86 next month and he just refuses to die!”

I just shook my head and walked off.  He said to my back, “I didn’t mean that like it sounded,” But from the past, I knew he did mean it. Both nephews at separate times have told me “You know these are my houses!”

That is pitiful, all Jim’s siblings are passed. Jim never married and his closest relatives are now 2 nephews and a niece. The two nephews tore down one house with 'no' permit and told a neighbor Jim was dead and they were going to build 3 houses here.

That was so sad to hear, “He refuses to die.”  Wouldn’t you hate to know someone wanted what you have enough to wish you dead?  I have heard of that, but never knew of it personally.

I would think Jim would have a hissy fit if he knew one of the houses had been torn down, and the other ransacked.

(He was known as "Little Blue" (locally).  He is in the Rockabilly Hall of fame)

I haven’t seen Jim in a couple years. He was staying with a lady ‘fan’ from his hey days then. Since then she passed and I hear he is living with his niece.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them.

Jim's yard is scattered with his tapes, records and memorabilia. I would bet there are $1000s worth of OLD stuff even from his disk jockey days....

I will be back soon. Now I am tired. We have lots of limbs from a storm to clean up.


yaya said...

We just had the funeral of a dear friend who passed at age 80. His children were awful to him and his wife and frankly I know they would say something hurtful like that nephew. I just don't understand mean spirited, greedy people. Hugs to you and Sherry and don't overdo that yard work!

salemslot9 said...

Are you going to visit him in hospital?

Mevely317 said...

Such a handsome young man!
That's so sad about Jim's nephews. Makes one wish he/she had a turn driving the Karma bus.

HappyK said...

That is sad to have someone say that.
Sorry to hear of your friends passing.

Chatty Crone said...

I wonder if that doesn't happen a lot. Old people aren't too valued in this society.
I'm sorry.