Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 I feel about like this old tired man down town Athens, Greece.

I know I am usually here.  But things are a whirlwind for me.  We had a lot of limbs fall in a recent wind here in NC.  AND  It is  Tax time in case you haven't noticed!  LOL 

I am just checking in to Blogger to let you know I ain't  gone and left the building.  At my age one never knows. LOL

comments off.  I guess I am taking a break. LOL

Nite Shipslog.

PS:  Yeah I do our own taxes.  I have always did them, except when my Brother told me I couldn't and I needed to get  a bookkeeper. I still think I would have been $$$$ better off  if I had not went with a bookkeeper for 8-10 years. When I quit and closed out my company, I started back...  BUT to be honest the IRS or somebody is trying to make it impossible for Joe or Jane citizen to do their own.....


Chatty Crone said...

You have that right!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad to hear you area alive and well. Tired but still here! Thank you for checking in!