Monday, January 8, 2024

Little things mess me up anymore

 Photo of the day



So for today:

Hours of operation.  I had a need to know the hours of operation of a business the other day.  I looked it up. Open hours for Sunday:  6AM to 12AM ….it confused me.  It took me a few minutes to assume they were open until Midnight.

The weather forecast is another one: Monday will be: Low 32 High 68.  Is that 32 degrees in the early hours of Monday or the early hours of Tuesday?

Speed Limit 70mph, Do they really mean that anymore?  It seems folks are content to drive 80 mph with no thought of a traffic ticket!

I have seen 85mph speed limits in Texas, methinks they have the highest speed limits in the USA. Wonder do the average driver drive 90-95?

When I drove on a Autovon in Germany my girl asked, “Do you know you are going about 90 mph?”  I answered “I am just trying not to get run over!”  As I gripped the steering of the small rental car.

I bet we are some of the few folks who go to Paris and never go to the Eiffel Tower.  I did see it in the distance. Neither did we go to the Louvre, and I love art.  I could not figure out how or where to park the car.  LOL  TRUE!


Later shot of Dad and mom, it messes my mind up to think I have lived much longer than they did. Truly wonderful people, I miss 'em.

Nite Shipslog

PS : Little things, where I left my pocket knife and remembering what day it is, is very tough.  Thanks for reading the Shipslog, hope to see you again, take care and be safe


Mevely317 said...

That first photograph of your parents is so endearing! I'm wondering if they weren't trying to strike a pose like those I've seen of Bonnie and Clyde? (No offense! ... It just reminded me.)

Ya, there's lots of 'little things' that puzzle me anymore. Lately, why do meteorologists and traffic reporters cite events by County -- or mile markers -- instead of "near xxx town"? I've been here going on 6 years and still have to consult a map.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those little things in life can make a big difference for sure !You had a wonderful mom and dad. They made you who you are today. Your life has been a full and wonderful one. I do know how those little things do affect us and even though some say don't sweat the little things, they do mqke a big difference in our lives!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I love the photos of your parents.

I did not realise in the USA you drive in mph - I thought it would be kilometres.

We did not visit the Eiffel Tower either. We just bought a souvenir model from a shop. It was in a box. I was disappointed when I opened the box to discover it did not lean to one side like in reality. Those French tricked me, I think.

God bless.

Lisa said...

These pictures are sweet.
I get stumped on the weather too. I ask Alexa (My eco dot) what the weather is going to be and she tells me the high and low. I always think the low is first thing in the morning and high is around noon. But how are we suppose to know?

Wondering in Gtown

happyone said...

A lady was stopped for speeding and the police asked her, do you know why I stopped you. She answered, I was the only one you could catch!!