Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Dinner, slop and hog killing time. LOL

 Photo of the day


Sherry produced two handsome sons inspite of me.

Sherry had a beautiful mother. I always thought she was cute, I think she helped Sherry along with good looking sons. This is a young pic of Susie.  Not here,  but she had a beautiful smile.

So for today:

We haven’t had ‘Florida’ weather lately.  LOL  We old folk come down here to stay away from cold weather.  Yeah, I know 40-60 degrees is not COLD, but it is uncomfortable to some of us old folk.

Today was my day to cook.  One of my regular meals is ‘stew Beef’.  Most of my meals as in a slow cooker.  Today it was stew beef, green beans and rice. I do rice in the microwave. Sherry ain’t happy with it but has learned to live with it.  It is not consistent but it is easier than the stove top. LOL


Anyway we are a family of left overs. This time we dumped all the left overs in a pot as usual, but this time we decided to add a can of mixed vegetables fort tomorrow.

Sherry just told me, ‘That beef veggie is gonna be very good, I tasted it.’ I had thought of that but didn’t.  Well, we have supper for tomorrow ready.  We enjoy leftovers.

I have known ‘no left over’ families, and I have never understood them.  Especially since we nor they, do not have hogs to eat the leftovers.

I know today that many folks would turn up their nose to a ‘slop bucket’ in a home, but there was a time that every home had a ‘slop bucket’ where even left over leftovers were saved for the hogs.  The person that was raising hogs would come by every other day to gather the ‘slop’ to feed the hogs.

No one expected it but sometimes the family got some cffesh ham or bacon at hog killing time.
That is my nothing for today, and it really was nothing.

Thanks for stopping by….  Wait I forgot to mention Wiley, Sherry's dad, He was a handsome man until he passed.

Nite Shipslog

PS :  Thanks for reading the Shipslog, hope to see you again, try to stay warm.


Mevely317 said...

I really love this image of you, Sherry and the 'boys.' JJ (seems to be) the spitting image of his mom and Mark, you.

I don't really remember having many leftovers; my mother's galley kitchen was tiny, as was our refrigerator. Aside from the times my father was home, most of our meals were canned, frozen or sandwiches. (lol)
Nowadays, Tom's better about eating left-overs than me. Unfortunately, between company and Christmas, there's a few containers remaining in the freezer that would best go out to the curb.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your stew sounds very good. I like it done in the crockpot too. The beef is always so tender. My Grandparents who had a farm, had a slop bucket in the kitchen too that they fed to the hogs. They had a pig pen with a trough that they would pour it into. They would butcher their hogs too. They had bacon and roasts from the hogs, but I was never around during butchering time. I don't think I could stand to see that. I did see a chicken get it's head cut off and my grandmother would pluck the feathers for feather beds she made. That was hard enough to see. We are to go down in the teens this coming weekend, so consider yourself to be lucky the coldest you will see is in the 30's. I hope you warm up soon. I'm trying to keep thinking Spring here. I love the spring better than any other season.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely photo of your family.

Not many left-overs. The dog enjoys anything we don't finish. He also appreciates my baking - no one else does.

God bless.

glenda hulbert said...

Oh, this post brings back so many memories! Our farm had gardens, wild berries, cows and pigs. (A "pig sit on a chair"?) circa Robbie was about five years old when Sherry saw him eating a second helping and said "Robbie, you're a PIG"! We all ten kiddos loved Jack, Sr. for his skillset with chalk drawings and his irascible humor at all times. Our, handsome Jackie Jr. delighted all around the Church and the farm. And...gentle and kind Sherry who was a carbon copy of a TV commercial in the fifties and sixties! Our church so loved the Darnell family, even ornery Mark, the cutest kiddo in the congregation! Thank You, Jack for the trip down memory lane, warm hugs to all Y'all! Glenda

happyone said...

Nice family picture.
I use my slow cooker quite a lot!!

Susan Kane said...

Lovely family! We had a slop bucket for me to take to the hogs. They loved it. Leftovers were seldom part of the next meal. Mom was creative however.

Sheila Y said...

We had chickens in the city. 😂 Daddy sometimes rung their neck and sometimes chopped it. He had boiling water to dip it in before we pulled the feathers off. He would light rolled up newspaper to singe the fine left over stuff after plucking. I hated to hear ‘We’re gonna kill some chickens when you get home (from school). I could cut one up back then but don’t know if I could now. Take care and stay warm, Sheila
PS. I’m going to be snow dancing up here. :-)