Friday, January 5, 2024

Waste of time?

 Photo of the day


WE had a lot of fun with this little Ranger.

When we saw Moxley bridge in Vermont, We just had to drive thru it.

So for today:

I found three old paint cups at son Mark’s house,  He isn’t here but I decided to see if it was possible to make them useable again.

The ones I cleaned are like the red one. There is a magnet that holds the brush when you are not using it.

They sell for about $3 apiece.  It took me a total of about 5 hours, but they are all useable now.

Two had about ½ inch of dried paint in the bottom and sides several different colors.  Was it worth it?  I have made as much as $50 an hour AND as low as $.50.  The $50 an hour was NOT a steady job, but a single, one time thing. LOL

I interrupt……..

Before I continue, I will mention something else about travel. As I type and then go out to ‘waste’ some of my time we are waiting until 3PM when we head to an IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT, one that you girls will understand, it is Sherry’s beautician’s appt.  Now to men no big deal, but to ladies that is a most important time.  You probably have a special beautician you like who ‘understands’ your head of hair!  Not everyone can satisfy every lady. Sherry’s go-to beautician is our sweet granddaughter Sherece who is an EXPERT.

Our Grand daughter  grew up

I knew Sherece was going to be good with hair, this was her practicing with the portable mirror Grandma provided...


On the road that ‘that one’ is hard to find. But she found Mary in Wildwood and when within 30 miles of there, we head out. So today is the day and she is excited.

Now back to my wasting time. Some folks will not understand, but if I am doing nothing and spending time on a project that satisfies my ego, that is not really wasting time, it is making use of my time.  I am talking TO ME. LOL.  Many people have said to me when something quits working, “Time to buy another one!”  Not me, in my mind something says ‘FIX it!’

There are many spray paint cans around here that do not work. I have spent a couple hours cleaning the stopped-up tips using an air compressor and very fine steel wire cut from my wire brush.  I saved 6 and threw 4 away.

I did do something Son Mark will appreciate on his return; I added a florescent light and more outlets for power tools in the playhouse, translated is ‘work room.’

Nite Shipslog

PS !: PS:. Thanks for reading the Shipslog, hope to see you again, take care and be safe… I hope I did not waste too much of your time..



Victor S E Moubarak said...

It's good that you are so skilled at different jobs and fixing things. I provide work for tradesmen. I try plumbing, gardening, painting and so on; and when it breaks down I get a tradesman to fix it.

God bless.

Lisa said...

We are more of do it yourselfers. The older I get the less patience I have though. Nick the same. Nick has “used” stuff stashed away “incase” he might need it later.
Yes, it is important to us ladies to have a good hair dresser and for me a nail tech. I plan to try to do my own nails starting this month but I’m gonna miss the pampering of someone else doing it. I wish I could just hire a hair dresser to come wash and message my head each week. Ha.

From rainy Gtown

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I totally 'get' the Importance of finding a hairdresser who knows what he/she is doing. The gal I'm seeing's business cards read, "Hair Artist." She's not the best, but neither am I willing to pay $100+ every four weeks like I used to when I had a full-time job.

I've not tried my hand at painting anything, but would venture if you're focused and/or enjoying your work, it's NOT a waste of time!

happyone said...

I'm not the average woman when it comes to a hairdresser.
Ken cuts my hair! :)
Your granddaughter is so pretty!!!

yaya said...

No grass growing under your feet! It's great to be so handy! I totally understand the hair appointment thing. When I used to take call for surgery if I was assigned on my hair day all I needed to do was ask if someone would take my call until after the appointment. Never was refused! We all looked out for each other's hair appointments!