Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Thanks for listening

 Photo of the day

You chocolate lovers can appreciate the street lights in Hershey, PA!

So for today:

We all have unique lives.  Every life with the right producer would make a great book or a movie. Lives are directed by our surroundings.  I was blessed with a wonderful family and friends.

January 17th  1939 was my birthday. (the youngest of the 5 kids that survived)  it is 2024 and I am now officially 85 years old.  It doesn’t really seem that long.

Many of you have moved a lot over the years. We have lived in 6 states (I think, not counting a short stay at Pleasure Island, SC).  I have mentioned many times that we lived at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) for almost 4 years. Those were some of the best years of our lives. The family loved it. It was like going back in time, and the weather was perfect.

I would really like to make one more trip around the USA, together we have visited about 26 countries, but for me, nothing compares to the beauty of this country.  Great country and as a whole good people who work love and live here. You and I have some good kids and grandkids.  They will use their heads and run this country; I am proud of the younger generation. 

When I was a teenager I kept hearing from OLD people that the country was going to hell in a hand basket and  these long haired hippies, duck tails, pegged pants people will ruin the USA. It didn’t happen. (Some people say, yeah, it didn’t happen YET!)

This is one OLD man who still believes in this country. I believe the majority of our congressmen (and salesmen) are good folk and want good for the country.  One day we will have another statesman rise up and help heal the wounds that bother a lot of folks.

(It pays to follow some directions)

You see, I remember a HS drop out, the 17 yr old boy who had dreams like everyone else, I took a lot of roads to get here but with the help of a sweet wife we own two homes and owe no one but the tax man and have the finances to pay him.

I am now a happy God loving man and fortunately still have that lovely girl I married when I was 17. I received a BD card from Marian and Corporal Dallas, we have been friends since USMC boot camp. Sherry and I have been married 3 weeks longer than those two.

Some signs in this world will confuse you. They might have used a mirror to paint this.

Thanks for stopping by the Shipslog.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet; in person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU!

I have probably told this. When we started seeing each other I asked, "When is your birthday?"

She, "Nov. 6th."

ME: What year?

She:  "Every year."  "Nuff said"""""  LOL


happyone said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
We've moved 11 times since we've been married. We lived in Scotland for 4 years and Puerto Rico for 3 back in the 70's.

Mevely317 said...

From your lips to God's ears, my friend. (I wish I had your faith in the future of our land, but that's another topic for another day.)

I truly hope this New Year is full of unexpected blessings ... and yes, laughter. Remember what Dinah used to sing, "See the U.S.A. .... America is asking you to call."

salemslot9 said...

I hope you enjoyed your birthday Jack! 🥳

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wishing you a wonderful birthday and many happy returns full of hope, good health and whatever you desire for yourself and your loved ones.

Remember you are a blessing to many. Thank you, Jack.

God bless.

NanaDiana said...

HAHAHA-Love the little quote at the end. Happy Birthday to you, my friend. I always look forward to reading your blog. I don't visit as much as I used to but life is busy here caretaking a hubby that is not well.
I, too, believe in this great country of ours and am praying for a great statesman to step up and deliver us from the negativity that surrounds our country right now. I believe we have greatness in this upcoming generation and pray for our country every day. Hugs to you and Sherry- Diana

yaya said...

First...HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOUNG MAN!!! You have lived an extraordinary life. These days a HS drop out would end up in jail probably. Or not if he or she has your work ethic and a goal to get it done. God sent you that lovely companion and together you made a happy life. Not one without trials or troubles but those are the things that make us stronger. I always try and say: "Now what did I learn from this?" when things don't go as planned. I too think we have the most beautiful and wonderful country. I know it's not perfect and I still have hope a leader will be chosen that will keep us strong. Just an optimist I guess! I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Time does fly super fast and I know you live each and every day to the fullest. Blessings for a healthy and happy 85th turn around the sun!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday ! You have lived a good life and have many friends as a result. I don't know of anyone who has helped others more than you do. Hope the coming years only get better and better! It is slowly warming up some and my furnace shut off just now for the first time in 5 days! The bill is going to big this month! But I'm thankful for the heat it puts out!

Lisa said...

Hope you had a happy birthday.
Wow 85 is a lot. Haha. My daddy is 85 and still works. Yall amaze me.
I hope Im as witty and good health as you are when I get 85.

Freezing in NC

Lisa said...

correction to my last comment. My dad is will be 87 this year, not 85. Haha
Hes old your not. Haha
