Thursday, January 25, 2024

Getting ready to leave….

 A picture for today


For Today:

We must head north in a couple days. Both of us have appointments with our doctors. I think I told you I must have a mammogram, I had never heard of a man having one, but I guess this is equal opportunity.  Of course since I mentioned it here some of you were not surprised and once I check around I am not all that odd, I am glad to know that.

The lump is starting to hurt a little more and I will be glad to learn from my Dr. what he thinks.  I am sure he will reschedule the test, since I had to cancel the first one, that made no one happy…

Do you have any crazy neighbors?  We have one REAL ODDITY. He plays crazy music very loud. We hear it clear and he is across the street and 3-4 houses up.

He puts on bikini underwear and dances in the street to the music.  At times he dances with his pet snake.  He has painted his trailer with graffiti. He uses fluorescent spray paints.  He calls himself Swag daddy.

Surely he is buying the trailer he lives in, not renting, or some landlord is not paying attention.

David who lives across the street from us here, works at a big concrete production company and told son Mark that Swag Daddy got a job there over the net but did not last a week. He was singing and taking selfies all day. The one that lost him his job was coming to work in his bikinis, to do work in concrete????!

That’s it for me.  Anxious to hit the road.



  PS:  Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it when I read them



yaya said...

Ok Jack, now I have visual of a bikini crazy guy putting in a concrete sidewalk at my house and my retinas are scarred for life! I think I'd move my trailer if I was you! Good luck with your Dr. appointment and mammo. As they say:"Get those mammos grammed!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for yours and Sherry's good health.

God bless always.

Chatty Crone said...

I can just imagine your neighbor dancing around - YUCK! Never had an interesting one like that.
Get the mammogram - and why did you put it off?

salemslot9 said...

neighbors = dragons
I’d trade ya
as long as his snake
doesn’t eat cats
Good luck on your check up

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There aren't any crazy neighbors at my place, everyone is very quiet and the only time you see them is when they mow the grass. I'm happy this is a quiet place to live. Have a safe trip north, storms are coming our way again this weekend and flooding roads could happen in the south, in my neck of the woods, we could have snow or freezing rain. I'll be saying a prayer for you on the results of your test. Take good care my friends.
Love, ma

Mevely317 said...

Not sure what rock I was living under, but this is the first I remember hearing about your mammogram. Waiting on test results can be so stressful; I'm lifting prayers now!

I'm shaking my head about that crazy neighbor. Keep your doors and windows locked!!!

happyone said...

Pray that your appointments all go well.
You do have a crazy neighbor.
We have a farmer, a state policeman, and a professor who are all great neighbors.
And a neighbor who only comes around when he needs Ken's help with the tractor.

Lisa said...

Interesting Neighbor. He seems like a weirdo for sure. I think you should put on your kini and dance with him. Haha.
Good luck on the Mammogram.

Catching up