Sunday, January 14, 2024

Life continues

 Photo of the day

 My pictures are a mess since changing computers, I did find this faded picture of the New Pastor and his two sons.  That is the rear of the church in the back ground.

So for today:

The church we were sent to in Rutherfordton, NC was an old established church.  Some members were birthing a new church in their community up the road 10-15 miles. Attendance had fallen, but was still solid financially, no debts.

WE were accepted well into the mother church. The parsonage was a nice frame home even had a washer and dryer, LOL. The church had no SS rooms nor fellowship hall after being established over 40 years. We used the parsonage living room as a SS class and the other three were in the church sanctuary, Not ideal to hold attention.

 After a few months there and following the finances, I knew we could build a fellowship hall and Sunday School rooms without borrowing any money, if I could do most of the work. This church also had a great singer, who was also the Pianist. A young man, Kenneth, who also wanted to work on the church building he was still living at home and had no job.

So we started.  Kenneth said his uncle knew how to lay block and would teach us. I squared off the building and we mixed mortar and started laying block. I had never built from the ground up before.

WE finished the building with no problems and it looked great. 4 class rooms, with a dining room and kitchen for fellowship. I went to the electric company to  get the power turned-on and Quickly received an education with the first question. “Need power, no problem, what is your permit Number?”

“MY what?”  (my first REAL lesson in building.) I was sent to the City Building inspections office,

“Let me get this straight Reverand. You have a finished commercial building, you have NO permit and had none of the required 6 inspections and you now want power turned on, is that correct?” Asked the Department Head,

“Yes Sir.” I sorta mumbled, I think.

“All my inspectors will meet you at your building in an hour. Preacher, in all my time, I have NEVER had anything like this happen.”

A little over an hour I had 6 inspectors going thru the building. I heard them laughing, fussing and mainly just enjoying themselves (as I silently prayed). By the time one of them came to speak to me, I was about ready to hear, ‘tear the building down.’

The inspector smiled, “Preacher, this has been fun. Y’all did a great job.  Everything looks good.  Two of us are deacons at our church in town and realize the city can be a pain. But one thing they want is their money. Go back downtown tomorrow, by that time we will have all your paperwork cleared. You will have to pay the $35 for the permits; then you can have the power turned on, BUT PLEASE, do not let this building burn down in a year, it would look very bad on us!”

That was MY MAIN EVENT in Rutherfordton. WE did enjoy the new building. More tomorrow. But it may be late we will be doing some traveling

Nite Shipslog

PS:  God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet; in person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU!



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry I hit post button before I should have. That is a great story ! It just goes to show what can happen with a few determined men. Nothing is impossible with God, it seems.

Mevely317 said...

What an entertaining post!
I love how the inspectors chose to find humor in the situation and arrived at a Common Sense solution. I'll bet they were still talking about the Legendary Rev. Darnell til their dying day!

happyone said...

God was involved in that I'm sure. :)