Monday, January 22, 2024

Holy Cow, YOU said WHAT?

Photo of the day


So for today:

So I have been a church goer all my life. As a kid it was not always voluntary, but daddy said, 'you will go to church.' I don’t think it warped my mind.  At least that is NOT what warped my mind, however, my mind is not as warped as Victor over in the UK who said he once had a watch so old that it was a sundial. ;-O

My mama would use a hickory switch if she heard me say ‘Durn’ or even ‘Shoot’, if it was out of context. You are just substituting slang for the ‘bad’ words.  It was not necessarily cussing, but that using ‘bad’ words was wrong.


We attended a non denominational church service a few days ago.  It is said to be VERY CONSERVATIVE. Most of the attendees are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

But during the sermon the pastor said, “Some things piss me off!” I wasn’t floored. Hey, I was a sailor, BUT my dad was also a preacher and I never heard him say that even OUT of the pulpit. I smiled to myself and justified it as the pastor trying to reach men who were never church goers.  I just hoped he did not go further and he did not.

Shucks language is a lot worse in movies and even on TV now than in the past. I have even heard ministers recommend a movie and say, “Now you will have to ignore some bad language!”  WHAT?

There was a time that mostly men used foul language, but now it seems that some ladies want equal time.  Do you ever look for supplements or vitamins in a large store where they have at least a million different containers of the stuff. My girl takes Ginger Root daily and I was trying to find some for her a couple days ago.  It is sorta like an Easter Egg Hunt. There was a nice looking lady beside me and dropped the ‘F’ bomb twice as she tried to find something.  I started to say, “PARDON ME?” but I didn’t want to get hurt! ;-)

Have you noticed a lowering of standards in our language? And I bet you never heard the Piss word in church.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Okay, it is tax time and some folk will use a lot of bad words.  I wonder why holy is used also.  

Thank all of you that read this drivel. I enjoy comments and appreciate it when I reads them.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

You make a good point, Jack. We never had any swearing in our family as I grew up. Standards have fallen a lot over the years. Not just language but also behaviour and attitudes. People seem to be more selfish these days.

God bless you and your family.

Susan Kane said...

Like you, swearing was condemned. I heard some farmers paint the air blue when something went wrong. but, me? As a Sunday School teacher, church pianist, teacher, swearing was unknown to me. Now? I have decided to do some swearing now and then. Mild stuff. Just to give me a giggle.

Mevely317 said...

Yes! Like your upbringing, my parents never permitted that sort of language. Oh, I remember my dad exclaiming on occasion, "Son of a biscuit!" (and) I always wondered what was so awful about a piece of baked dough. Later, when I left home there were certain words that snuck in my vocabulary. Mother: "You weren't raised that way." It still makes me giggle to remember the comedian who said, "Sh*t is the same as 'shoot' only with a different vowel."

The "F" word? My last (female) boss and her right-hand used it like I use commas. It never occurred to me to be offended, but disappointed. Vulgarity's become so acceptable, no matter what one's age.

Chatty Crone said...

In our sermon this week - I heard the perfect explanation of sin and times changing.
He said that over the years people have changed what is sin and what isn't sin. They are changing how serious it used to be.

But he said - Jesus never changes and what sin then is sin now.

I hate foul language in movies.

I watch the oldies but goodies.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I was raised the same way and tried to teach my children the same too. But as they are older now, there language isn't very good. They do tone it down when I'm around, but I know that they use bad words.

happyone said...

I can't believe the words I hear out in public and from some young kids.
We don't even go to the movies!!

salemslot9 said...


Lisa said...

We were not allowed to say “gosh!” And I got a spanking for saying butt one time. Not sure why it was out of context.
I remember when we were young, barely listening to the pastor, when he would say Hell, or Ass we would sure pick up on the word and giggle.


Glenda Hulbert said...

Got caught up on the past few weeks Blogs, always love the stories!!