Friday, January 26, 2024

Things can go wrong

 Photo of the day

 This is our new to us Winnebago.

The slide at the back is the Bedroom, the slide close to the door is the Kitchen slide (pic below) The the other side has a dining/living room slide. 

Floor Plan:

So for today

In this world of new technology, there are answers to dreams. Sherry and I no longer live on the road full time.  We did that for over 20 years.  Our properties were rented and leased out and we spent the income on the road seeing some of the world, but mostly our country.

When we first started we only had to be concerned with ‘will the engine start’ and we might have a blow out or flat tire. There were minor things but many were similar or the same as living in a house.

Now over the years these RV’s have become more technical. One thing that has us buffaloed with this coach is the leveling jacks do not work.  In Florida that is not a real problem, since most of the land is flat.

However, we graduated up to a coach with 3 slide outs.  It makes life much more comfortable. The basic coach is 8 feet wide. Now this one here in the dining/living area when parked we have a width with the slides out of 14-16 ft. NICE. 

Nice that is, until we press the retract button and nothing happens! For sure we cannot drive With the slides out. So someone must work (or play with stuff) to get the slides in.

That has happened twice now. SCARY when you MUST move because someone else has rented the lot you are sitting in.  Fortunately I have been able to jury rig and play with controls and get the slides in, but that is NOT normal.

(I am sitting here at the dining  room booth looking at the couch on the left. This is the slideout that has given us trouble, it is the largest slide also. youcan see when the couch slides in it will be even with the drivers seat.)

I am sitting here wondering come Sunday morning will the slide come in. So tomorrow I will be trying to get them in and hoping I have no trouble. Technology is grand, until it does not work.

You know the feeling, one day you call up the net and do not get anything, then we modern folk are at a loss. OR you cannot get that great CELL PHONE to connect.

In our case the jacks and slides work on the same hydraulic system.  They are made by HWH out in Moscow, Iowa.  It is a great company; we have been to their factory.  I think I hear something telling me to head to Moscow this year…………

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it when I read them.


yaya said...

Your RV is beautiful and it really is a home on wheels. I can't even imagine driving it. I drive a small SUV that would probably fit in your living room even with the sides all in! I know I'm lucky I can manage my microwave so dealing with that technology would be immense. I'll wish you luck on getting it all in and yourself on your way. Be safe and have a good trip!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

That's amazing. You mean by pressing a few buttons the whole room retracts and gets smaller? Do you move the furniture closer to each other or does that happen automatically as the room slides in to its smaller size.

Our house is getting smaller now. Over the years I have painted the walls over old paint. Did not bother to scrape off old paints but painted over it. The walls have many layers of paint on each other and all the rooms are getting smaller. No room to swing a cat. We have to do it outside. Even the mice are hunch-backed now. The only advantage is that when the MIL is in I am out of the house and in the pub. Considerate or what?

God bless.

Genda Hulbert said...

Mama would say
"Oh Boy"! I do hope you git it FIXED soon!

Genda Hulbert said...


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm praying the buttons work like they should and you can leave for your appointments. But you are right you'd better get it checked out. Technology of any kind baffles me. I can't figure it out. I leave it to someone else, better equipped to handle it. All is wonderful when it works! I agree with you!

Mevely317 said...

Have you been listening to Tom? Anymore, one of his favorite 'bad' words (said with an exasperated vocal) is "Technology!"
Lately, that applies to everything from internet outages to customer service.

I'm sorry you're having to experience these hiccups, but your coach is really beautiful. I'd love to vacation in one someday, but we'd have to hire a driver.

Chatty Crone said...

First I have to say it is absolutely gorgeous! I think it is beautiful.

I am sorry you having issues with it and hope that it will retract tomorrow.

I wish sometimes things could just stay the same awhile - technology that is.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What a beautiful Winnebago! Sorry to hear about the hydraulic problems. Like you said, technology is wonderful (when it works)!!

happyone said...

Your RV looks lovely and a great home for you.
I've said a little prayer that the bump outs will retract easily. :)