Pic of the day:
For today:
Years ago I read a quote by Minnie Pearl on a church bulletin: “If you want God to smile, tell Him your plans.”
By today’s standards Sherry and are not wealthy, but we are blessed. We like to do things for the family. We flew the entire family to Utah once to see Ben, Corey and our new granddaughter Elsie, twice.
WE flew everyone back when Elsie was bigger. Ben holding her on the left in this picture.
Pic of 2nd Utah trip bunch, at least 7 have been added
since then. LOL
We haven’t
done anything big for the family in awhile. I wanted to take everyone to
Ireland. But now one family member has a Felony record, (the reason for my big
depression over the past couple of years, which is still not settled). A person
with a felony cannot keep their passport I understand.
big idea guy, ME, Our 70th wedding anniversary is a couple
years off. I said, “Hey on our 70th anniversary, let’s take everyone
to Hawaii for a week or so.” No passports required. Believe it or not, my girl agreed. She will grit
her teeth and fly.
NOW, dadgummit, two GROWN (?) grandchildren have a major
disagreement and will not associate. I refuse to take a trip with snide remarks and dirty looks. That problem to me is, in the BIG picture of life, completely unrealistic.
It is big to one of them of course, but families should get along. There is NO REASON that problems can not be
settled among family.
Those parents do not know how their hearts will
break 20 years from now, when their own children marry do the same thing and stop
talking with each other. I have a
son and sweet daughter in law whose hearts are breaking. Son has his own problems, but he is still
their dad.
But all
that is not my problem anymore. They are adults. BUT I will be disappointed. I
wanted all of them to see the Arizona Memorial, Waikiki, the Islands and visit The Polynesian Cultural Center on
the main island and learn the cultures of all the islands.
Also, I wanted them to enjoy a luah and some Kalaua
BUT instead, Sherry and I may just have an
intimate Steak and Lobster dinner and celebrate 70 years, maybe even THINK about sex!! LOL.
I hope
the problem is ironed out, but nothing seems in sight. Arranging, Transporting,
housing and touring 22-25 people is not
a simple task, and cannot be arranged overnight. So unless some answer is in the next few months
or a year, the Hawaii plan goes down the drain.
Maybe some of the grands can get together and settle this.
Thank you all for
being here… and being YOU.
It is so sad when families quarrel. I'm praying for you all.
God bless.
That quote is so true. I've made plans before and GOD said no, I have other plans right now. I was going to take the family to a water park near by for a little vacation all together then one of my grandson's died and that trip was never made. I gave the money that would have been spent on that to my son for funeral expenses instead. I do hope and pray your folks can get their act together soon so you can make the trip with all of them. We just never know how things will turn out, it seems.
Ain't that the truth! (The quote, I mean.)
We've some of that ill-will going on in my own family right now. My granddaughters (30 and 26) acute loathing for one another is heartbreaking. I pray one or both will put aside their foolish pride before it's too late.
I think as we get older and of course smarter, we realize how fast life flies and that fighting with one another is really stupid and a wasted of valuable time. I hope your family can get the differences solved and that trip can be a reality. If not, enjoy that steak and lobster and the sex of course! Ha!
The quote - so true. God knows what will happen.
I am so sorry about the felony - I know your heart is heavy. I think all families have something similar.
And how nice about going to Hawaii. Is there anyway you can leave the two fighting at home - or does it involve more than two people? They are ruining the trip for the whole family.
You know - I have thought the same thing - my kids don't get that in 20 or 30 years - their opinions and decisions today will not be their opinions then. But you can't tell them a thing - because they are right and know it all!!!!!
I agree with Chatty
Truce and Hawaii
or they can stay home
Please don’t let it keep you from
making more GOOD memories
I went to Hawaii for a week with my folks
We stayed on Oahu
Saw Arizona memorial
Dole plantation
and Don Ho show live!
🍹don’t forget to have a mai tai with
a fresh spear of pineapple🍹
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