Monday, April 29, 2024

Somebody fibbed!! (And the ship)

 Pic of the day:


This is Odis's Fleet minus several large square riggers.  My brother was quite the wood craftsman. Left, I am the youngest of the siblings and Odis was the oldest.

For today:

First, one comment yesterday asked if Odis’s ship was still on display. Not at present.  I learned a lot about official donations such as the ship.  They keep great records and after about 15 or 20 years on display someone donated a larger model. The Ship’s Captain called the family and said  the ship was going to storage unless they wanted to donate it to a High School Library that was asking for it.  The school displayed it for years then were changing  their theme and offered it back to my sister Shirley.  We picked it up and it is now on display in my brother Odis’s grandson Mike’s house.  They are very proud of it.

The ship has been on display at new bank building openings and in parades.  To be handmade from wood it is a fantastic creation. Odis made an entire fleet, but the USS NC was always his favorite.

Now. We are on the road, About 30 miles South of Lexington KY. I visited this state once with my dad in about 1948. I couldn’t find any Kentucky BLUE-Grass then, and for your information the grass is still GREEN.  LOL Methinks some one fibbed to me. ;-)

But to make up for that, for about 4 hours today we drove thru the mountains of North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky.  It was a fantastic drive with HUNDREDS of beautiful views.  We have driven this same route before but I do not remember these MTS being so striking,  I was thinking, we have never been here in the spring, that makes all the difference probably!

We are overnighting at the Fort Boonesborough state park. This is a nice place also. The last time we stayed it was about $15.  This time it was  near $45 for the night.

Take care next time I will write it will be Indiana or Michigan….

Y’all are the best for reading, and those that comment, THANKS

Nite Shipslog


Thank you all for being here… and being YOU Nice to have you visit us in Kentuck….  


Anonymous said...

Jack, thanks for responding to my question about the ship. I enjoy your blog and read daily. I live just south of you in Lake Wylie. Safe travels.

Mevely317 said...

I love this photo of you brothers! Wow, Odis was so talented; I wonder if he wouldn't have been sorely disappointed that it had been 'passed down' not once, but twice. At least it was returned to the family!

I'd love to see parts of the country y'all are seeing right now. Someday, maybe. Have fun and keep safe!

Chatty Crone said...

Nice photo of you and your brother. Glad you are making the tip in the spring when you have so many wonderful sites to see!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm glad to hear that the ship is back with family who will treasure it and keep it on display as much as possible. The northern states seem to be having some nice weather right now so I hope it stays that way for your trip! Safe travels to you both, Enjoy those views!