Thursday, April 4, 2024

On the Road

 Pic from the past:

 My brother and his sweet wife Ruth. about 1943

For clarification. We are in NC!!  I drove the rest of the way without running off the road (too far). This post i thought went on last night...

For today:

We made about 300 miles today and are at Point South, SC, for an overnight.  It was a good trip even if most of it was in the rain. Traffic was good.

We will only travel 200 miles tomorrow and be at our only stationary home in NC.  We sold the last place we had in Florida to son Mark.

It is up in the air what we will do in the future.  It is impossible to find campsites for an entire winter in Florida unless we rent one site for the entire time.  That gets real expensive and as every one knows I am a tight wad or does skin-flint sound better?  LOL

A couple times we found it was easier to invest in a home where we could park the motor home, and later sell it and get our money back.  Once we never moved into the house and had a place for the family to come to vacation and go to Disney or one of the Theme parks in Orlando.

Speaking of that Sherece brought Stella down for a visit. They went to Universal for a day, Did you know it was near $500 for a day for 2???????

I waiver at thinking what it would cost a family of 5 for a week at Disney along with all the meals at today’s prices?

Well I wanted to touch base while we are on the road.  It does feel good and I made it thru Jacksonville, FL in the traffic (40-60 mph) and rain without hitting anything except rain drops.  Pretty good for 85 yrs old, huh?

Y’all take care..


Nite Shipslog


Thank you all for being here… and being YOU. Jacksonville is the largest town we drive thru on this trip. We bypass Savannah, Columbia and Charlotte.



yaya said...

I'm so glad you made it back safe! I hope you can find a way to get to a place in Florida next winter. I sure admire your adventuresome spirit at your young age! I think you and Sherry are amazing. You squeeze all the fun you can out of life! Hugs Jack and Sherry!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Take care and bon voyage my friends. Enjoy your holiday.

God bless always.

Susie said...

Jack, That sounds like some good driving. Stay safe. I do not care to drive in heavy traffic. Too many people being distracted while driving, yikes. Hold your sweetheart close. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Mevely317 said...

Thank you ever so ... letting us know you arrived safe and SOUND (lol)! My phone's alert app went off at 4 this morning to report a 'bad accident' at I65 and I85. Normally it only does that for Amber Alerts or severe weather.

Shaking my head at the cost for a day at Universal. That makes me so cross, knowing many families can ill-afford that sort of thing. Reminds me of that Waylon Jennings song, Luckenbach, Texas. ("Time we got back to the basics ....")

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you got home. I see your dilemma though of what to do and where to live. $500 for two just to get in. What in the world. Who can afford it - yet it is packed???

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So good to hear you had a safe trip and are back in NC. Glad all is good and hope you enjoy the stay there!

HappyK said...

Wow that is an expensive day out!!
Glad you arrived safely!!