Friday, July 5, 2024

Thoughts, just thinking

 Pic of the day:


                 This photo was taken when we were married 55 years

Thinking of this couple 55 yrs before

Now coming up in September on the 22nd, if we live, we will celebrate 68 years together, not all smooth, but because of my sweetheart we have made it thru, enjoying life....

 For today…

Note: I had a tough time getting to my Blog today, I thought Blogger had done me like they did MA and dropped the BLOG. So if I go missing do not think the worst. LOL


No one knows how to Grow old.  It is like childhood and children. The baby does not come with a list of instructions, we wished there was an accurate list of guidelines that fit them all.

Likewise there are no set rules for growing old, I sure wish there were. In less than 5 years I will be 90 years old. OUCH! To tell the truth I feel like I am groping along in the dark.

Life is different with us all. There is a great Fish house called ‘Corky Belles’ in Palatka.  We took a day out and Sherry took me there. As we ate, I noted two sweet old ladies eating together, they were alone, and I asked Sherry if we could buy the ladies lunch, we did, met them and talked a few minutes. They were over from St. Augustine. Both widows.  Both said they still missed their mates.

My mind wanders a lot now, I still don’t know how to grow old. I know loving children; many adore their parents.  When one parent passes the offspring dote on the one left.  Some of us old folk can live alone with memories. My mama and one sister were like that. But one sister NEEDED someone.  There is the RUB! The same children who LOVE their parents the most, make the parent’s life miserable, if they NEED someone.  The CHILD thinks daddy is trying to replace mama (or vice versa).

THEN IF there is a marriage of the old folk, unknowing, and ignorant, sons and daughters, know how to make the ‘interloper’s’ life miserable.  At the same time destroy the heart of their own mom or dad.

That is NOT ALWAYS THE CASE, but I have known  2 or 3 OLD People who have suffered in their last years, because of ignorant offspring.

The last one, the man, had seen this and knew his family would resent his new love, a wonderful lady. HE Had the foresight to tell the kids, “Now I am not asking permission to marry again, I am asking you blessings.”  Some of them tried, but overall none of them could ever accept this wonderful lady.  And she IS just that, a wonderful wife and mother.  Her children did accept the union, but the man’s children could never fully accept it.

The couple was happy together until he passed, but they both hurt. Strange how love and caring can hurt when not focused correctly.

Just words from my head.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thank you all for being here…  Smile life is better for me (on the road) even with a few pains…. LOL



HappyK said...

I can never understand how adult children are like that.
You would think they would be happy for their parent!!!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

So much hurt is caused by misunderstandings. I'm sure none really wants to hurt their parents or offspring; they act this way because they themselves are really hurting within and can't express their hurt.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Thank you for sharing your friends' sad story. Intentional or not, no-one has the power to hurt like one's children. So short-sighted.

I don't know how to grow old, either -- but should you decide to pen another book, I'll bet it will be a best-seller.

Always glad to 'see' y'all on this side of the monitor! 💛

Chatty Crone said...

Goodness Jack I have been feeling that way at 71. I was okay till 70 and now I am not so sure how to do it! lol
I feel misplaced at times.
It's weird.
I agree about your writing a book about it.