Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tough week but better now

 Pic of the day;


Janet's & Vernon's family. Can you imagine Janet traveled  with those 4 kids when they were  kids from NC to Okinawa to be close to Vernon as he served in Vietnam.  I remember Ora (used to blog) saying it about drove her crazy on the same trip with only one child. LOL

 For today…

We had too many things happening at once. LOL Our sweet sister-in-law Janet has gone to her reward.  We had reservations in Pennsylvania and due to a wrong guess on funeral times I had to cancel and reschedule. I forgot that funeral services depend on the available times and dates the family desires.  If too many deaths occur, it is tough to schedule.

We pushed it close since they told me twice NOTHING was available in and around Lancaster for us.   Finally, we did get a shot but got a sight with no sewer.  That is really no problem because we are self-contained and can go a week on our storage tanks, longer if we are very conservative.

So that is going to work out, and we will be here for the funeral.

Also Cousin Dewey flew in from Bangkok Thailand and of course when he is in this area while in the states, we always make a BR available.

This is Crazy cousin Dewey.  I know I have put one of these on earlier.
You wouldn’t believe the suitcases this dude has. And he said he is traveling light this trip.  He has moved to Thailand and says this might be his last trip stateside.

We also have another world traveler, Rickie (Janet’s son) is in from Kenya and has been for months now to be with his mother at the end. His wife and two girls did not make the trip. At times like this for them, the cell phones are a God sent. They can see each other and talk. He can watch his baby girl as she grows these months. SWEET!

I will not go over the other things happening, since you are alive and breathing, you too have faced those days and weeks where it didn’t seem everything would fit and you had a problem staying on the rug as it seemed it was being pulled out from under you,. LOL

I have tried to keep up with your blogs, notes and messages. Thanks for stopping by our house.  WE are half packed into the motor home.  We are moving into it tomorrow for the last night before the funeral.  It will also be during the time Great Granddaughter Kennedy is having her 6th BD party here.

OF COURSE WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD FOR OUR TRIP TO PENNSYLVANIA. We have not been able to get reservations in that area for 2-3 years now.  We are UP for his one; it is a short 2-week jaunt.  WE will visit some GREAT folks. I will tell you about them later.

 Nite Shipslog


LOL  Thanks for all the comments, they have been so good to read, love you guys.

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

Up close and personal to an elephant - wow!
I am sorry about your sister-in-law Janet. I am so sorry.
I am glad you were able to reschedule your trip.