Friday, November 1, 2024

Halloween, then and now

 Photo from the Past:


So for today

I remember Halloween before trick or treat was popular. I never went door to door for candy, WE turned over trash cans (back when people had old 50-gal drums and set them out on the street for the city to collect.)

Oh, and we went to town and ‘soaped’ store windows. Most of us had an old bar of soap and carried it to town to write on store windows. Lemme tell you there were no ‘dirty’ words written, that was a NO-NO even for the worst of us.

Now if you really wanted to be mean, you carried one of mama’s wax squares that she used when sealing homemade jelly. That sucker wrote on windows good and the store man had to work the day after Halloween.

YES, we went down town to make noise and look around to see if we could ID anyone we knew.  Most kids had a nickel/dime mask they had bought at the dime store (some saved from last year).  Most kids made up their Halloween costumes to go with their mask. There were some GREAT ideas, and it was a fun time to try to scare people.

I am NOT downgrading preachers and churches that shun Halloween, Saying it is ‘devil’ worship.  BUT..... I was a preacher’s son, and I NEVER considered it evil to have fun on Halloween.  Evidently my dad did not, he never castigated me for wanting to dress up for Halloween, unless it happened to be on a church night. LOL (I hated it when that happened!!)

This year I am glad for our church back home in NC, they had a Trunk or Treat night in the church parking lot. Giving out candy and inviting the kids to church. Maybe some churches miss a time to contact and show kids that do not attend church; church ‘Ain’t so bad,’ after all.


Nite Shipslog

PS: I hope you had a chance to see Chatty’s Halloween blog.

 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST! Thanks for the times you have let me cry on your shoulder…..




HappyK said...

We used to soap windows too. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I never soaped a window - lol. And I am amazed you can find your pictures from that time. Those were the days.
I agree - no evil - just good clean fun.
Love November too.
Thanks for the referral.
Love, sandie

Lisa said...

I have never heard of “soaping windows”.
Those old Halloween mask were the best. I usually just come up with something out of my closet. This year I went as “Rosie the Riveter”. We had trick or treating for the foster kids in our custody. (I work at DSS).

Happy November

Anonymous said...

I don't think your dad would've been too happy if he had known you were turning over those garbage cans Jack. LOL

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Those were the days ... fun isn't what it used to be.

God bless always.

Mevely317 said...

I left two messages here yesterday evening, but they disappeared. Perhaps they went to your spam folder?